Feb 13, 2025  
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees


For specific information about tuition and fees, and room and board, see the Rockhurst University website www.rockhurst.edu. For special program fees, consult the particular program announcement. The University reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time.

Payment Policy

Payment of tuition and fees finalizes registration, which begins with enrollment in classes. Failure to make payment will result in cancellation of enrollment and will require reenrollment through the appropriate Dean’s office and payment in the Student Accounts Office before attending class. Students who do not satisfy their financial obligations before the first day of class may not attend class. Students who do attend class and have not satisfied their financial obligations will be removed from class.

Tuition, fees, room and board (if applicable) are due by the tuition payment deadline, before classes begin, as shown on-line at the Rockhurst University website, www.rockhurst.edu. All late payments will be assessed a late fee.

Students whose accounts show unpaid balances from prior semesters will not be permitted to enroll in classes until all unpaid balances are cleared, including applicable penalty charges.

Payment Plans

The University currently offers students several tuition and fee payment plans. Students must pay the appropriate amount under their payment plan in order to be fully registered and attend class.

Regular Payment Plan

Under the Regular Payment Plan, tuition, fees, and room and board (if applicable) are due in full before classes begin.

Alternative Payment Plans

Under an Alternative Payment Plan, the University allows students to pay tuition, fees, and room and board costs over an installment period depending on the plan selected. In order to qualify for any Alternative Payment Plan the student must have no history of account delinquency. Students who qualify for an Alternative Payment Plan finalize registration by having met the terms of their plan. Budgets for the Alternative Payment Plans are computed using total costs less any financial aid, scholarships, or grants.

No Alternative Payment Plan is available for summer sessions. Tuition, fees, room and board (if applicable) are due in full before classes begin.

Tuition Management System (TMS)

Students who are unable to make payment in full before classes begin may choose the University’s Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan offered in partnership with Tuition Management Systems, Inc. (TMS). This plan allows payment of full-year costs in 10 or 12 monthly payments beginning in June prior to the Fall term. There is an annual fee for the Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan, which includes life insurance for the plan payor for the unpaid portion of the tuition and fees. For more information or to enroll, visit the TMS website, www.afford.com, or call 1-800-722-4867, or contact the Rockhurst University Student Accounts Office or Financial Aid Office.

Deferred Payment Plan

The University also offers a Deferred Payment Plan for eligible students under which one-third of the semester costs and a plan fee are due before classes begin for each semester, with the remaining balance paid in two equal amounts due October 1 and November 1 for the Fall semester, and March 1 and April 1 for the Spring semester.

The total amount of tuition and fees due under the above Payment Plans is reduced by the amount of approved scholarships, grants and net loans (gross less processing fee) which the student has obtained through the Rockhurst Offices of Admission and Financial Aid except for student work awards. Students are responsible for finding a place of employment on campus and working the hours required to earn their work award.

Employer Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement

Students attending the University through University-approved employer-reimbursement must pay all costs before classes begin, or, if the student is eligible, make arrangements for payment under an Alternative Payment Plan. Students whose employers pay partial costs are liable for those costs over and above that paid by the employer. Those costs paid by the student must be paid in full before classes begin or, if the student qualifies, tuition and fees must be paid under an Alternative Payment Plan. The reimbursement of the student is the responsibility of the employer.

Students are encouraged to make payment or arrangement for payment before the due date by returning the invoice emailed to them by the Student Accounts Office. See the Rockhurst University website, www.rockhurst.edu for tuition payment deadlines.

Delinquent Accounts

Overdue accounts will be sent to a collection agency. Collection costs and fees for unpaid balances forwarded to outside agencies for collection will be borne by the student.

Transcripts of academic records will not be issued by the Registrar’s Office for any student or former student whose student account is delinquent or for any student or former student whose Perkins Loan repayments are delinquent. Delinquent balances must be paid in full or repayment plans brought current prior to the issuance of academic transcripts.

Health Insurance

A health insurance plan designed for the students of Rockhurst University is currently available to all students. Benefits under this plan are described in detail on the Rockhurst website. The plan is mandatory for all international students. All full-time undergraduate and graduate students must participate unless they provide proof of current health insurance. The Rockhurst plan protects students 24 hours a day whether on or off campus during the coverage term. Catastrophic health insurance may be purchased from the insurance broker for an additional fee.

Alumni Discount Program

In an effort to provide increased opportunity for Rockhurst graduates to participate in and reassociate themselves with the academic offerings of the University, Rockhurst offers an Alumni Discount Program.

Participating students must have earned a degree from Rockhurst University. Alumni holding a Rockhurst baccalaureate degree are eligible to take only undergraduate courses through the Alumni Discount Program. Alumni holding a Rockhurst graduate degree are eligible to take graduate or undergraduate courses through the Alumni Discount Program.

Alumni participating in the Alumni Discount Program will be subject to the same academic requirements, including prerequisites and admission qualification as regular students. Alumni must complete an application for readmission through the Office of Admission and meet the regular readmission standards of the University.

Enrollment through the Alumni Discount Program will be on a space available basis only. Alumni are limited to one course per semester and a total of one course in the summer. The University reserves the right to exempt certain courses or programs from the Alumni Discount Program, such as nursing, independent studies, and other courses and programs the University may specify from time to time. Enrollment for students participating in the Alumni Discount Program will be held after regular students have completed registration. Although alumni are encouraged to seek information and readmission early, alumni may not enroll for classes under this program prior to the first day of classes. Enrollment in a class prior to this time will invalidate participation in the Alumni Discount Program for that semester.

Tuition under the Alumni Discount Program is one-half of the regular tuition for the course plus any special fees such as lab fees. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of enrollment in order for the discount to apply. Tuition for a course under the Alumni Discount Program will not be applied to any other payment plan.

Sixty-Plus Program

This program offers the opportunity for persons 60 years old or older to take undergraduate courses at a discounted tuition rate on a space available basis. The program offers credit options. Tuition and fees, and enrollment procedures can be found online at the Rockhurst University web site, www.rockhurst.edu. See also Non-Credit Enrollment Option below.

Sixty-Plus Credit Enrollment

Students must complete an application for admission. Regular Rockhurst admission policies are in effect and allow for:

  1. Admission into an “unclassified” category in which the student can accumulate 18 semester hours before a full admissions evaluation is required.
  2. Admission into a degree-seeking category that requires a full credentials review. Refunds for course withdrawals will be calculated according to the schedule published on-line at the Rockhurst University web site, www.rockhurst.edu. For more information, please call the School of Graduate and Professional Studies at (816) 501-4767.

Non-Credit Enrollment Option

Rockhurst University offers a non-credit enrollment option that allows individuals over the age of 18 to participate in select undergraduate or graduate course offerings on a non-credit basis. Students participating in this program should contact the School of Graduate and Professional Studies in Van Ackeren Hall, Room 300, or call (816) 501-4767 to register.

Individuals selecting the non-credit enrollment option will be required to file a form in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies indicating their understanding that the course is not for credit, that no academic record will be maintained in regards to their participation, and that they will be allowed to participate on a space-available basis. Final confirmation of one’s ability to participate may not occur until the start of classes. Please note that it is not possible to change from a non-credit to a credit status after registration. Since the University will not maintain an academic record for students enrolled in the non-credit option, formal processing of withdrawals is not required. Out of courtesy, however, students should notify the instructor and the School of Graduate and Professional Studies of his or her intent to withdraw. Students enrolled in the non-credit option will receive a full refund if they contact the School of Graduate and Professional Studies indicating their desire to withdraw from a course by the full refund date as published online at the Rockhurst University website, www.rockhurst.edu, but will receive no refund thereafter.

The School of Graduate and Professional Studies will complete the registration process. Students participating in the non-credit enrollment option for undergraduate courses are not subject to any University admission criteria, including completing an Application for Admission. Individuals participating in the non-credit enrollment option for graduate courses may be required to present documentation that they have completed appropriate prerequisite work. The appropriate Dean’s Office will be responsible for assessing materials related to graduate courses.

The University reserves the right to restrict courses offered as a non-credit option. Requirements for class participation are the prerogative of the individual faculty member.

Refund Policy

Refunds and Reduction in Charges

If a student withdraws or is dismissed from the University during the first week of a semester, the student will be eligible for refund of total tuition and fees paid. Resident students will receive a pro rata refund of the total amount of room and board paid if they withdraw or are dismissed during the first week of scheduled instruction. Students who withdraw or are dismissed after the end of the first week of scheduled instruction are eligible for refunds and/or reduction in charges in accordance with the Tuition Refund Schedule published for that semester on-line at the Rockhurst University website www.rockhurst.edu. Students should note that, depending on the amount of money paid to the University before classes begin, withdrawal or dismissal may or may not result in an actual refund of money to the student. Circumstances may occur in which the student still owes money to the University even after appropriate reduction in tuition, fees and/or room charges.

Beginning with the second scheduled week of instruction, resident students who withdraw or are dismissed will receive a pro rata reduction in room charges for each full week not in residence as a result of withdrawal or dismissal. Students who withdraw or are dismissed after the twelfth scheduled week of instruction are not eligible for a reduction.

No refunds, either for withdrawal from single classes or for complete withdrawal from the University, are made unless the student has officially withdrawn from the University. See “Changing Enrollment ” in the Enrollment Policies section of the catalog or on the Rockhurst University website www.rockhurst.edu.

Return of Federal Funds

The return of federal funds formula provides for a return of Title IV aid if the student received federal financial assistance and withdrew on or before completing 60% of the semester/term. Funds are returned as follows:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  7. Other Title IV Funds
  8. Other federal, state, private, or institutional sources of aid
  9. The student

If funds were released to a student because of a credit balance on the student’s account, then the student may be required to repay some of the federal grants or loans released to the student.

Students receiving federal financial aid who withdraw from anything less than 100 percent of their courses will have tuition refunded using the schedule below. All other students not receiving federal financial aid who withdraw from one or all of their courses (both officially and administratively), will also have tuition refunded according to the schedule below.

Refunds for First-time Rockhurst Students

First-time students to Rockhurst University, either freshmen or transfers, processing a complete withdrawal from the University will follow Federal pro-rata refund procedures which provide for adjustments up through the first 60 percent of the term as calculated by weeks. After the 60 percent period there will be no reduction of the original charges and they are due and payable in full. The calculation is made using weeks remaining divided by the total number of weeks in the term and rounding the result downward to the nearest whole 10 percent. A comparison will be done with the refund a student would receive from the policy for continuing students. The policy that is most advantageous to the student will be used.

Refunds for All Other Students

Students will receive the following refund if proper written withdrawal is made before the following weeks:

  % Refund of total charges
    (tuition, charges, room)
  The end of the first week of classes 100%
  2nd week 75%
  3rd week 50%
  4th week 25%
  5th week and thereafter balance due is payable in full. 0%

Students enrolled in accelerated sessions who properly withdraw in writing are eligible for refunds within the first two weeks of each session.

For more information and specific refund deadlines, see Tuition and Fees on the Rockhurst University website www.rockhurst.edu.

Students with financial assistance awards who withdraw will have financial assistance refunded in compliance with federal regulations as stated in the Federal Register. Rockhurst University distributes funds back to federal programs in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grants
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
  7. Other Title IV Funds

Institutional awards are redistributed after the federal programs.

The University will not refund credit balances created by a Missouri Grant award until the actual funds are received from the State.

The University’s refund policies may change from time to time to comply with applicable law. Changes in the University’s refund policies will be posted on the Rockhurst University Web site, www.rockhurst.edu. Questions of payment or refund policy involving unusual circumstances should be addressed to the chairperson of the Withdrawal/Appeals Committee.

Meal Plan Refunds

Refunds are based on the unused portion of the a-la-carte meal plan less a 15% calculation charge.