Mar 31, 2025  
2014-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


This section provides information on admission procedures for undergraduate programs. Students considering graduate programs should review specific admission and program requirements in the Graduate section of this Catalog.

Undergraduate Admission

The Admission Committee grants acceptance to students who have demonstrated their ability to benefit from the education offered at Rockhurst University, without regard to religion, race, gender, age, disability or national origin. In most cases,  this judgment will be based upon records of prior academic work. It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that all transcripts, records of tests and recommendations that give evidence of scholastic ability, character, and other credentials predictive of success at Rockhurst are forwarded to the Office of Admission at Rockhurst University. Interviews are encouraged and pre-admission counseling is available.

Rockhurst University welcomes students from diverse religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds and strives to maintain an atmosphere of respect and sensitivity toward the ultimate dignity of every person.

Admission from High School

To be considered for admission to the freshman class, an applicant should have forwarded the following materials:

  1. An application form with recommendation completed by student’s counselor;
  2. An up-to-date, official transcript including three years of high school work and rank in class; if rank is reported;
  3. Results of the American College Testing Program examination (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Board; (Rockhurst Universtiy does not require the ACT or SAT writing portion.)
  4. A $25 non-refundable application fee. The fee may be waived based on written request from the student’s secondary school counselor. The application fee may be waived for online applications or on special application mailings.

Enrolling freshmen will be required to present a final high school transcript to Rockhurst University. This transcript needs to show date and verification of graduation. Failure to provide proof of high school graduation can result in the loss of a student’s admitted status.

To be considered for admission, an applicant’s transcript must show not less than 16 academic units from an accredited four-year high school, or 12 academic units from an accredited three-year high school. Rockhurst recommends that students complete the following academic units: four English; three math; three history-social sciences; two units of science (including at least one lab science); four to five units of academic electives (at least two units of foreign language are recommended).

Admission with Advanced Placement from High School

Rockhurst University will grant advanced placement and/or credit to high school graduates who have proven their competence by their scores on the Advanced Placement Tests administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Scores of 4 or 5 may result in the granting of college credit and a score of 3 will allow consideration of advanced placement in the subject. A student wishing to have Advanced Placement test results evaluated for credit should submit official score reports to the Office of the Registrar if not previously submitted to Admissions. (See “Note .”) See also “Placement and Course Equivalencies for Advanced Placement Tests” on the Rockhurst University website.

Dual Credit

Students who were jointly enrolled in college courses (from regionally accredited institutions) while attending high school may receive college credit provided the work falls within the Rockhurst curriculum guidelines. There is no limit on the number of dual credit hours which may be counted toward the 128-hour graduation requirement for the undergraduate degree. There is no limit on the number of dual credit hours that may be earned through Rockhurst University Advanced College Credit Program (ACCP). However, a student may earn no more than 11 hours of ACCP credit in any given semester from Rockhurst University. Official college transcripts should be submitted for admission for evaluation of this credit.

Admission with International Baccalaureate Credit from High School

Rockhurst University recognizes the rigorous course of studies undertaken by high school students enrolled in approved International Baccalaureate programs. Therefore, high school students enrolled in higher-level International Baccalaureate courses are entitled to consideration for the granting of college credit for these courses. A score of 5 to 7 on the higher-level examinations will result in the granting of college credit equivalent to the lower division courses published in this catalog. A score of 4 will allow the student consideration for advanced placement in a given subject, but will not warrant the granting of college credit. A student wishing to have International Baccalaureate test results evaluated for credit should submit official score reports to the Office of the Registrar if not previously submitted to Admissions. (See “Note .”) See also “Placement and Course Equivalencies for International Baccalaureate Examinations” on the Rockhurst University

College Level Examinations

Rockhurst University enables students who have had advanced courses in high school and have done well in them to proceed at a faster pace in college and to take advanced work more quickly. For this purpose, those who wish, may take Subject Level Examinations in various areas of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) administered at centers throughout the United States during the year. General CLEP Examinations are not accepted. A student wishing to have CLEP test results evaluated for credit should submit official score reports to the Office of the Registrar if not previously submitted to Admissions. (See “Note .”) See also “Placement and Course Equivalencies for College Level Examination Program” on the Rockhurst University website.

Note: Students who achieve acceptable scores may be granted exemption from requirements and/or credits up to a maximum of 32 semester hours from Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate CLEP, or other non-traditional work. There is no limit on the number of hours accepted toward the degree for college credits earned during high school if taken from regionally accredited institutions.

Admission with a GED (General Education Development) Certificate

Students who have completed their GED can apply for undergraduate admission to Rockhurst University. An official GED certificate, all high school transcripts, as well as an ACT or SAT test score must be supplied to support the application.

Transfer Admission/Admission from Other Institutions

Applicants with a least 12 credit hours from an accredited college or university are eligible to apply as a “Transfer” student. To be considered for transfer admission, applicants should complete the following procedures:

  1. File a completed application at the Admission Office or electronically through;
  2. Request the following credentials be sent to the Office of Admission:
    1. Current official transcripts from each college or university attended;
    2. Applicants with less than 24 college credit hours must also submit high school transcripts and standardized test scores from ACT or SAT;
    3. Transfer students who will be participating in Rockhurst University athletic programs must also submit final official high school transcripts even if they have earned 24 or more credit hours.

The application and credentials will be reviewed prior to making an admission decision. Applicants with fewer than 24 college credit hours will be evaluated upon receipt of college transcripts, high school transcripts and standardized test scores from ACT or SAT.

Undergraduate Evening Program Admission/Admission from Other Institutions

Students who choose to submit an application to pursue either a degree or certificate in the evening program should complete the following to be considered for admission:

  1. File a completed application at the Admission Office or electronically through;
  2. Request the following credentials be sent to the Office of Admission:
    1. Current official transcripts from each college or university attended;
    2. Applicants with less than 24 college credit hours must also submit high school transcripts;
  3. Evening student applicants may be required to provide additional credentials. For more information please consult the Director of Transfer Admission.

The application and credentials will be reviewed prior to making an admission decision.

Transfer Credit

Rockhurst University accepts transfer credit under the following guidelines:

  1. Institutions must be accredited by a higher education regional accrediting association.
  2. A maximum of 64 hours can be transferred from two-year junior or community colleges.
  3. Coursework must have a minimum grade of “C-” achieved in order to be accepted. Coursework accepted with a minimum grade of “C-” may not be used to satisfy upper-division major or minor requirements.
  4. If the student has fewer than 24 transfer credit hours, they must provide their official final high school transcript showing their graduation date or GED. If a student is seeking a certificate at Rockhurst, and they have received a degree from another university, they are required to provide only a transcript from that university. If they have not received a degree elsewhere, they must provide transcripts from all other colleges. If the certificate-seeking student has no college credit, they must provide their official final high school transcript showing their graduation date or GED.
  5. Coursework with a grade of Pass, Credit, or Satisfactory will be accepted only with documented evidence that such grades are at least equivalent to a minimum “C-” grade.
  6. Credit hours, not grade points, are counted toward Rockhurst degree programs.
  7. Practicum, cooperative education, field experience, internship, etc., are not accepted.
  8. Correspondence work is accepted only under special circumstances, and with prior approval of the academic dean.
  9. Transfer coursework attempted after enrolling at Rockhurst must be pre-approved in order to count toward the student’s Rockhurst degree program.

For institutional accreditation reasons, the University is required to have on file official transcripts from all institutions of higher education a degree-seeking student has attended, whether or not the credit is applied to their Rockhurst degree program.

Rockhurst University reserves the right to reject course work from institutions not accredited through North Central Association of Colleges and Schools or other accrediting associations as determined by the Registrar’s Office. Such course work is not accepted for transfer or satisfaction of degree requirements at Rockhurst University.

Admission to Certificate Program

Applicants seeking admission to a certificate program only must have earned a high school diploma or equivalent or meet current admission standards for transfer students. Additionally, applicants must be in good standing at the last school, college, or university attended. If at any time the “certificate only” student wishes to enter a degree program, the student must reapply to Rockhurst University and meet the regular admission standards for degree-seeking students.

Campus Visit/Interviews

As part of the application process, students are encouraged to visit the main campus and arrange personal interviews with an admission counselor and/or faculty advisor. The interview includes a full campus tour, explanation of the liberal arts core, unofficial evaluation of transcripts and a full discussion of individual degree requirements. Admission staff members are generally available and maintain flexible schedules for interview and tour requests. An appointment may be made by calling (816) 501-4100 or (800) 842-6776 or via the web at

International Student Admission

An international student is any student who is not a citizen or resident legally permitted to remain in the United States for purposes of pursuing a full course of study in a specific educational program at a school in the United States that has been designated by the Department of Homeland Security as eligible to offer such programs. International students holding current F1 or other appropriate visas and currently attending an eligible U.S. institution are also considered to be international candidates for admission. All international candidates for admission must submit the following materials:

  1. An official international application form with recommendation completed by the student’s counselor;
  2. English translations of final official transcripts from all high schools and institutions of higher learning. These official transcripts must be evaluated by an agency acceptable to Rockhurst which specializes in the evaluation of academic institutions outside the United States. An official report from the agency must be submitted to the Admission Office;
  3. Results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Proficiency in both written and spoken English is a requirement for students participating in Rockhurst University undergraduate programs. Students whose first language is not English are required to take the TOEFL before being considered for admission. The minimum score required for admission to an undergraduate program is as follows: 550 on the paper-based test; 213 on the computer-based test; 79 on the internet-based test.
  4. Results from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT) may be required;
  5. Certification from a bank or a legally binding affidavit of financial support indicating the student’s ability to pay for educational expenses at Rockhurst;
  6. A $50 application fee.

International students are encouraged to submit applications and documentation prior to regular application dates due to the additional time that may be required to review foreign credentials and to prepare visa documentation.

An I-20 Form will be issued to the international student by the Rockhurst University International Student Advisor when the student has met all admission requirements.

International students are required to participate in the student health insurance program during their tenure at Rockhurst.

Health Insurance

A health insurance plan designed for the students of Rockhurst University is currently available to all students. Benefits under this plan are described in detail on the Rockhurst website. The plan is mandatory for all international students. All full-time undergraduate and graduate students must participate unless they provide proof of current health insurance. The Rockhurst plan protects students 24 hours a day whether on or off campus during the coverage term. Catastrophic health insurance may be purchased from the insurance broker for an additional fee.

Unclassified, Audit, Visiting or Exchange Student Admission

Unclassified: Individuals are welcome to enroll for up to 18 hours as “unclassified,” nondegree seeking students. Applicants seeking admission as unclassified students must have completed the requirements for a high school degree or equivalency program. Additionally, applicants must be in good standing at the last school, college or university attended. Students entering Rockhurst as unclassified students are not eligible for institutional financial aid.

An Unclassified Application may be obtained through the Admission Office or filed electronically through Acceptance is valid for one term and will need to be renewed each academic term. Rockhurst University reserves the right to limit the number of cumulative credits taken as an unclassified student to 18 hours.

Auditors: Those students taking courses for interest or the development of their own skills and not with the intention of seeking credit or a degree may enroll in courses for audit. Auditing students are not required to do course work or to take examinations, but are expected to attend class regularly. Course fees for credit and audit are the same. Students may not change from audit status to credit status after registration. Students may change from credit to audit status. The procedures and deadlines for withdrawal from individual classes also pertain to changes to audit status. Students wishing only to audit classes should follow the same application procedures as unclassified applicants. Students entering Rockhurst as auditors only are not eligible for institutional financial aid.

Visiting Students: Students visiting Rockhurst University from other institutions of higher education must certify that they are in good academic standing at their home institution. Students entering Rockhurst as visiting students are not eligible for institutional financial aid.

Exchange Students: Rockhurst University participates in the Kansas City Area Student Exchange (KCASE) consortium program. Institutions participating in the consortium are Avila University, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City Metropolitan Community Colleges, University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Park University. Rockhurst has an independent agreement with William Jewell College as well.

Under the terms of the KCASE consortium agreement, full-time students (enrolled in at least 12 semester hours) from member institutions are eligible to take one course per fall or spring semesters only, with no tuition charges. Eligible students must provide appropriate documentation from their home institution indicating their qualification for KCASE. Additionally, KCASE students must complete an Unclassified Application and return it to the Admission Office prior to registration. All application fees are waived for KCASE students. Unclassified applications are available at the Admission Office or may be filed electronically at For more information about the KCASE program, see Exchange Programs  in the undergraduate Enrollment Policies section of this catalog.

Readmission to Rockhurst University

Rockhurst students who do not continue their studies in subsequent spring or fall terms must apply for readmission to Rockhurst. Previous unclassified, auditing, visiting or exchange students are not considered candidates for readmission, but must follow the guidelines for standard undergraduate admission or transfer admission or unclassified admission as appropriate.

To apply for readmission, complete a Readmission Application available at the Admission Office or electronically at Applicants who have attended other colleges or universities since last attending Rockhurst must provide official transcripts from those institutions. Transfer course work from other institutions is considered under the same guidelines as other transfer course work and the individual must provide evidence of good standing at the other institutions.

Return the completed Readmission Application form to the Admission Office. The Admission Office will determine if the applicant is in good standing at Rockhurst University prior to readmission. To be in good standing at Rockhurst University, the applicant must resolve any financial encumbrance, academic probation or disciplinary matters with the appropriate campus office prior to admission. All transcripts from other institutions should be sent to the Admission Office. There is no application fee.