Jan 30, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Academic Policies

Academic Advising of the Graduate Student

Academic advising of students is under the general supervision of the respective dean’s office. For those students interested in a graduate degree in business, please contact the Helzberg School of Management in the College of Business, Influence, and Information Analysis . Students who are interested in a graduate degree in education, please contact the College of Arts and Sciences . Students interested in communication sciences and disorders, nursing, occupational therapy, or physical therapy, please contact the Saint Luke’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences . Once admitted to a graduate program, students may be assigned a departmental advisor.

Institutional Standards

Academic Year

The Rockhurst University academic year is divided into two semesters, Fall and Spring, of approximately 15 weeks each, and Summer semesters variable in length. Semester-length as well as accelerated sessions are offered during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Credit Hour

The semester credit hour is the basic unit of academic credit used by Rockhurst University. The semester credit hour at Rockhurst University is defined as 50 minutes of faculty classroom instruction time per week for 15 weeks (no less than 750 minutes or 12.5 hours total per credit hour), followed by a finals’ week, and a minimum of two hours of student preparation time outside of the classroom each week. An equivalent amount of work is required for other academic activities at Rockhurst University including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

The measure of instructional contact time may be adjusted to reflect different formats of study or lengths of academic sessions. These adjustments are reflective of the intended student outcomes and established equivalencies of the credit hour set by Rockhurst University and reasonably reflect the requirements established by the Department of Education Program Integrity Regulations published October 29, 2010.

Requirements for Completion

The minimum requirements for program length and quality standards for graduate degree programs at Rockhurst University are described below. Each program may, however, impose more comprehensive requirements than these; therefore, the student should carefully review both this section and the section of this Catalog corresponding to the specific program of interest and any specific requirements published by the degree program. Requirements for degree programs may change from time to time as determined by the University in its academic judgment. Even after the requirements for a degree have been fulfilled, each student must complete the degree application in order to graduate. The “Apply to Graduate” option is found within the student portal. No degree can be processed unless the degree application is completed.

Doctoral Degree

Hours Requirement

The successful completion of 75 hours with 33 hours at a 7000 level or above is the minimum requirement for the awarding of any Rockhurst doctoral degree. Each program may establish specific requirements including additional coursework beyond the 75 hour minimum for the successful completion of that specific degree program.

Time Limits for Completion of Doctoral Degree

Students must complete all requirements for the doctoral degree within five calendar years of initial registration in the program (e.g. a student initially registering in the program Fall semester 2019 must complete all degree requirements by the end of the spring semester 2024). The matriculation of students who exceed the specified time limits may be automatically terminated. Extensions of time to complete a degree may be granted by the respective dean.

Master’s Degree

Hours Requirement

The successful completion of 30 hours of graduate credit acceptable to Rockhurst is the minimum requirement for the awarding of any Rockhurst Master’s degree. Courses numbered in the 5000 range are not counted toward the minimum hours for a graduate degree and, therefore, are not included in this 30-hour minimum requirement (see “Course Numbering System” section). Each program may establish specific requirements including additional coursework beyond the 30-hour minimum for the successful completion of that specific degree program.

Time Limits for Completion of a Master’s Degree

Students must complete all requirements for the master’s degree within six calendar years of initial registration in the program (e.g. a student initially registering in the program Fall semester 2019 must complete all degree requirements by the end of the spring semester 2025). The matriculation of students who exceed the specified time limits may be automatically terminated. Extensions of time to complete a degree may be granted by the respective dean.

Enrollment Status and Normal Study Load

Full-time status as a graduate student at Rockhurst University is defined as a minimum enrollment of 9 semester hours during the Fall and Spring semesters, 6 semester hours during the Summer semester. However, the normal class schedule for full-time graduate students varies according to the student’s program. No student may register for more than 18 semester hours without permission of the appropriate dean. Half-time status during Fall and Spring semesters is 4.5 semester hours, 3 semester hours during the Summer semester.

Program Progression

A student enrolled in any graduate program at Rockhurst University must satisfy the specific requirements of the individual program to progress through that graduate program. Students should refer to the sections of this Catalog that state the academic policies for the program(s) for which he or she is enrolled.

Probation and Dismissal

Each graduate student is expected to maintain both a semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. Failure to achieve the 3.0 GPA will result in the student being placed on academic probation by the graduate program. Once placed on academic probation, the full-time student must raise their semester and cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.0 in one full-time semester of at least nine semester hours of coursework. A part-time student must raise their cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.0 in their next two consecutive semesters. Individual programs may have additional requirements. Failure to achieve the required 3.0 GPA in the required timeline will result in dismissal from the program.

A letter grade of “F” or “WF” automatically results in dismissal from a program. All such actions taken by the program directors are reported to the appropriate academic dean and Registrar. After dismissal, students can apply for readmission only once to the same program.  Students who fail to meet the terms outlined in their letter of readmission will be permanently dismissed from the graduate program.  Following permanent dismissal, a student may apply for admission to an unrelated graduate program offered by the university.

Any full- or part-time graduate student who is provisionally admitted to a program based on an inadequate incoming GPA must achieve a 3.0 semester GPA in their first semester or he/she will be dismissed from the program and would not be eligible for readmission.


Action to readmit a student who has been dismissed from or voluntarily withdrawn from a graduate program in less than good standing may be taken by the director of that program. Any such action is to be reported to the appropriate academic dean and Registrar.

Degree Candidacy

Applications for degree candidacy are completed online through the “Apply to Graduate” option within the student’s self service portal.

Degree conferral is not automatic - students must file for degree candidacy in accordance with the deadline published by the Registrar in the Academic Calendar at the Rockhurst University website. A graduation fee is assessed at time of application (regardless of attendance at graduation ceremonies).

The graduation fee associated with each degree type (Masters and Doctoral) is posted on the Rockhurst website at https://www.rockhurst.edu/graduate-tuition-fees .

The deadline for applications always falls during the semester previous to the student’s graduation term: September 30 for May degree, January 30 for August degree, March 30 for December degree. These early degree candidacy deadlines provide time for a review of the student’s degree audit before registration is completed for their final semester.

Students who file their degree candidacy application after the published deadline will be assessed a late fee. Failure to meet deadline dates may affect a student’s participation in commencement and/or receipt of diploma. Once the application notification is received by the Registrar’s Office, a degree audit review is completed and the student notified if they are on track to meet all degree requirements by their pending graduation degree date.

All May degree candidates are eligible to walk in the May commencement ceremony; August graduates are eligible to walk in the May ceremony of the same year, and December graduates walk in the May ceremony of the following year.

Course Policies

Course Numbering System

Courses numbered 5000 and above are graduate level courses. Those numbered from 5000 to 5999 carry graduate credit, but are not counted toward the minimum hours for a graduate degree. They are often used for foundation or graduate preparatory work. Courses numbered from 6000 to 8999 are regular graduate courses and counted toward the minimum hours required for a graduate degree. Graduate course offerings (courses numbered 5000 and above) may be taken for undergraduate credit only with the approval of the director of that graduate program and the concurrence of the appropriate dean. In this catalog, departments, programs and course descriptions are listed alphabetically within the section for each school or college. The number in parentheses following the course number and title indicates the semester credit hours that the course usually carries.

Courses that are cross-listed are those courses which are taught at the same time in the same classroom and listed by more than one department. Students should enroll for courses with the designations for which they wish to earn credit. See below for additional information on courses which are co-listed for both graduate and undergraduate credit.

XX _990 Independent Study or Research. Guided study or research on some aspect of the field generally culminating in preparation of a major essay or report. Various department restrictions may be applied. Department, instructor, and Dean’s approval required. The transcript will reflect the topic of the research or study. Students can request independent studies with the approval of the department chair or program director. An approved independent study form must be on file in the Registrar’s Office prior to (or concurrent with) enrollment in this course option.

XX_xxxxR Readings. “R” at the end of the course number designates enrollment for a standard course offered by a department, but taught on a low-enrollment basis or by an individual arrangement during an academic period when the course is not available in the regular schedule; the readings course follows the syllabus of the regular course and carries the same title, course description and credit hour as the standard course. Departmental approval and approval of the instructor is required and an approval form must be on file in the Registrar’s Office prior to (or concurrent with) enrollment in this course option. On the student permanent record (transcript), the standard course number will be listed with an “R” at the end but is in all other respects the same as the original course.

XX_xxxxS Special Topics. “S” at the end of the course number designates new or occasional courses which may or may not become part of the department’s permanent offerings; courses capitalizing on a timely topic, a faculty member’s particular interest, an experimental alternative to existing courses, etc. Prerequisites are established by the department as appropriate for the specific course. The course title will be shown on the student transcript. An S course may be listed on the schedule for up to 2 semesters before it needs to be brought before the curriculum committee for approval.

Lecture Course Delivery

Courses may be delivered through a variety of ways. The method through which a course will be delivered is identified under “Schedule Type” in the online Course Schedule. Students may search for the schedule delivery type that best suits their needs.

The following schedule modalities are used to define course delivery types:

Schedule Type of CBC = “Classroom-Based Course”: In these courses, all students attend face-to-face (F2F) class sessions in a classroom that can seat all enrolled students with social distancing. All students and instructor will be required to wear face masks. The Instructor follows the Canvas Minimum Use Policy and will make arrangements with individual students when accommodations are needed.

Schedule Type of CHC = “Classroom Hybrid Course”: These courses have one of the following hybrid formats, each of which includes some amount of required F2F learning – done in classrooms accommodating social distancing and with masks required (with the exception of possible accommodations needed for students that are sick or quarantined and unable to attend F2F):

  • Hybrid Model 3: In this model, students are assigned by the instructor to smaller groups within a course section. Students attend F2F class sessions on a rotating basis according to their small groups to engage in an interactive lesson. All students also engage in asynchronous online learning activities via Canvas.
  • Hybrid Model 4: In this model, all students attend F2F class sessions in a classroom that is large enough to accommodate all enrolled students with social distancing. The F2F class sessions alternate with synchronous online class sessions or asynchronous online learning activities via Canvas.
  • Hybrid Model 5: In this model, all students will be enrolled in the face-to-face (F2F) class section on campus in a classroom that can seat all enrolled students with social distancing, and students will attend class sessions in-person. The instructor does not attend the class session in-person, but instead joins via remote technology. The instructor can see and hear the students in the classroom, and the students see the instructor in real-time projected on the screen. In this model, there will be a Supplemental Instructor, work study student, or student enrolled in the course present in the classroom to assist with managing the online synchronous instructor participation.

Schedule Type of OHC = “Online Hybrid Course”: These courses have one of the following hybrid formats, each of which includes options for students to engage remotely, instead of face-to-face:

  • Hybrid Model 1: In this model, all students will be enrolled in the face-to-face (F2F) class section on campus. However, some students will be scheduled or choose to attend class sessions in-person, while at the same time other enrolled students will join the class online via technology such as Zoom. The instructor may have a Supplemental Instructor, work study, or student enrolled in the course assist with managing the online synchronous student participation.
  • Hybrid Model 2: In this model, all students will be enrolled in the face-to-face (F2F) class section on campus. However, some students will be scheduled or choose to attend a F2F class session on campus, while other students engage in the class session online using asynchronous technology. Each F2F session in the classroom will be recorded using technology that includes a video / document camera and clip-on microphone worn by the instructor. The class recording is posted on Canvas for students to watch, along with asynchronous learning activities.

Schedule Type = “Online Synchronous Course”(OSC): In these courses, all students attend online class sessions that meet at specified times listed in the course schedule. There is no face-to-face (F2F) component, but instead, instructors will be interacting online with students during the regular scheduled class times each week. The instructor is a Rockhurst University Certified Online Instructor and the course has been designed as a fully online, high quality, interactive course. The instructor will make arrangements with individual students when accommodations are needed for students who cannot attend a synchronous online class session.

Schedule Type = “Online Asynchronous Course”(OAC): In these courses, all students engage in online learning activities with specified due dates; however, there are no requirements for specific meeting times (aside from possible virtual office hours). There is no face-to-face (F2F) component. The instructor is a Rockhurst University Certified Online Instructor and the course has been designed as a fully online, high quality, interactive course. There is no real-time interaction; however, there are opportunities for students to engage with one another and with the instructor, such as through an online discussion forum and/or virtual office hours.
*Other standard Schedule Types you may see in your schedule:

Prerequisite, Corequisite, and Concurrent Courses

Courses listed in the catalog which are required to be taken prior to enrollment in other courses are referred to as prerequisite. Courses required to be taken during the same semester are corequisite. Courses which may be taken optionally during the same semester are considered concurrent.

Courses Listed for Both Graduate and Undergraduate Credit

Co-listed Courses

Courses that appear on the schedule as co-listed for both Graduate and Undergraduate credit:

  • Are to be listed as 4000- and -6000 level courses respectively.
  • Require that students taking the course for graduate credit must enroll in the graduate section of the co-listed course and complete additional work at an accelerated level appropriate for graduate credit.
  • The course syllabus is to outline the additional work and student learning outcomes required for the graduate level of the co-listed course.
  • Students taking the undergraduate level of the co-listed course may not repeat the graduate level of the course to count towards a graduate degree.

Undergraduate students enrolled in such co-listed courses (whether for graduate or undergraduate credit) pay undergraduate tuition rates and graduate students pay graduate tuition rates for such courses.

Undergraduates Taking Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit

Graduate course offerings (courses numbered 5000 and above) may be taken for undergraduate credit only with the approval of the instructor of the course and the concurrence of the appropriate dean. Undergraduate students enrolled in such co-listed courses (whether for graduate or undergraduate credit) pay undergraduate tuition rates and graduate students pay graduate tuition rates for such courses.

Undergraduates Taking Graduate Courses for Graduate Credit

Undergraduate students who meet the following criteria may take up to nine (9) credit hours of 6000-, 7000-, or 8000-level graduate courses for graduate credit at Rockhurst University. The student should:

  • be of senior standing, and
  • have a GPA of 3.0 or better, and
  • have approval from the instructor of the course, and
  • have approval from the appropriate Dean (or designee).

Courses taken for graduate credit at Rockhurst University as an undergraduate student can count either toward the undergraduate degree or toward the graduate degree, but cannot count toward both degrees. Upon enrolling in the course, the student must identify whether the course credit hours should count toward the undergraduate or graduate degree. The decision cannot be reversed at a later date. Undergraduate students enrolling in courses for graduate credit will pay undergraduate tuition rates for such courses.

Exemption from Courses

An exemption permits a student to take another course in lieu of a required course. A student may request an exemption from a required course if he or she has taken similar coursework previously and received a grade of “B” or better for that coursework. To request an exemption, the student must submit to the Chairperson, Program Director, or Director of Advising a transcript from the institution where the course was taken and a photocopy of the course description from the appropriate school catalog or bulletin, along with any other materials the program requests. Once approved, the student must request that a sealed official transcript from the other institution be sent to the Registrar’s Office at Rockhurst University, and the Department Chair or Director then forwards those documents considered in the approval process to the Registrar’s Office for appropriate confirmation of credit. The exemption does not reduce the minimum number of Rockhurst-earned credits for a degree.

Transfer Credit

General Rockhurst University Transfer Credit policies are as follows.

Transfer credit must come from institutions that are accredited by an approved higher education accrediting association.

  • Rockhurst evaluates all coursework completed at another college or university only if the institution is accredited by an approved accrediting association.
  • The United States Department of Education must recognize these associations for accreditation.
  • A list of those agencies is available on the Council for Higher Education Accreditation website. Of the institutions on that site, only those currently listed as “Regional Accrediting Organizations” are accepted. https://www.chea.org/regional-accrediting-organizations

For specific transfer credit policies for the School of Nursing, see “Transfer of Credit Policies” at School of Nursing  Students may transfer up to nine hours of graduate credit for courses completed at another institution, unless the individual program allows for more, or an exception is granted by the dean and program director for special circumstances. All transfer credit must meet the following criteria, unless an exception is made by the individual program director. All exceptions must be noted in the student’s academic record.

  • It was a graduate course not used to fulfill requirements for another degree.
  • It was completed with a grade of “B” or better (3.0 on a 4.0 scale).
  • It was taken within six years prior to the completion of the degree at Rockhurst (departments may have more stringent criteria), and
  • The course content is appropriate to the degree to which it will be applied as an elective or program requirement.

If the graduate coursework was taken prior to being admitted to Rockhurst University, the official transcripts must be sent to the Office of Graduate Admissions as part of all materials required for admission. To request a transfer of credit, the student shall submit to the Chairperson, Director of the program, or in the case of the Helzberg School of Management, the Director of Advising, a transcript from the institution where the course was taken and a photocopy of the course description from the appropriate school catalog or bulletin, along with any other materials the program requests. Each program may establish policies as to what coursework will be accepted by that program that may result in an extension of the six-year time limit as appropriate.

When the student is already pursuing a graduate degree at Rockhurst, and wishes to take a graduate course at another institution and apply the credit toward their Rockhurst degree, the student must first request permission to transfer the credit. The student submits for approval a Pre-Approval of Transfer Credit form, course descriptions, and other supporting materials requested by the program to the Department Chair, Director of the Program, or Helzberg School of Management Director of Advising. Each program may establish policies as to what coursework will be accepted by that program that may result in an extension of the six-year time limit as appropriate. Once approved by the program, the student may take the course at the other institution. The program will forward documents considered in the approval process to the Registrar’s Office for filing and for appropriate confirmation of credit. Once the coursework has been completed, the student must request that a sealed official transcript from the other institution be sent to the Registrar’s Office at Rockhurst University so that the pre-approved credit will be applied to their Rockhurst degree.

Coursework Taken by a Non-Degree Seeking Student

Graduate coursework taken by a non-degree seeking (unclassified) student at Rockhurst and later applied to a graduate degree program shall not exceed 20% of the total credit hours required for that program OR nine credit hours, whichever is less, with exceptions as approved by graduate departments for purposes of certification, for example. Such coursework must also meet the aforementioned transfer criteria. Once approved by the program, documentation stating that such coursework is to be accepted towards degree requirements is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office. This documentation is retained by the Registrar’s Office for filing and confirmation of credit.

Grade Policies

Quality Point Requirements

The quality standard established to denote minimally acceptable academic progress in any graduate program is a quality point average (cumulative grade point average) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Each program may establish a higher quality point average for the successful completion of that program.

Graduate Grading System

Rockhurst University uses a uniform system of grading, although individual programs may choose not to employ the plus or minus grade options. See individual programs’ course syllabi for further detail. The university system is as follows:

A 4.0 Denotes superior academic performance at the graduate level.
A- 3.6 Denotes excellent academic performance at the graduate level.
B+ 3.33 Denotes above average academic performance at the graduate level.
B 3.0 Denotes average academic performance at the graduate level.
C 2.0 Denotes below average, but passing academic performance at the graduate level.
F 0.0 Denotes academic performance of poor quality which will not be accepted for degree credit for any Rockhurst degree program. A letter grade of “F” automatically results in dismissal from a graduate program.
P   Passing. This grade is given only in clinical arrangements, practica, or internships that have been designated by the program director. A grade of “P” adds credit but does not affect the grade point average.
NP   Not passing. This grade is given only in clinical arrangements, practica, or internships that have been designated by the program director. A grade of “NP” does not add credit and will not affect the grade point average.
I   Incomplete. A grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned only for serious reasons by the course instructor. A grade of “I” must be removed within six weeks or it automatically becomes an “F”.
W   Withdraw. This means the student was allowed to withdraw without penalty. Instructors cannot issue grades of “W” (withdrawal).
WF   Withdraw fail. This means the student was failing at the time of withdrawal. “WF” does not add credit and will not affect the grade point average. A letter grade of “WF” automatically results in dismissal from a graduate program.
AU   Audit. Student enrolled on a non-credit basis. No grade or credit given.

Note: there are no A+, B-, C+, C-, D+, D, D-, or X grades in graduate courses.

Viewing Grades

Currently-enrolled students may view their final session or semester grades on Rockweb in a secure environment directly through Rockhurst Campus Portal. Final grades are available for viewing after the close of the academic session or semester.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Students are encouraged to complete courses during the assigned semester.  A grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned only for serious reasons by the course instructor.  The time frame for the removal of an “Incomplete” shall be established by the faculty member in consultation with the appropriate dean and communicated to the student, but must be removed within six weeks or less or it automatically becomes an “F”.  The initiative in arranging for the removal of the “I” rests with the student.  Instructors cannot issue Withdrawal grades of “W” . Students must complete withdrawals through the Change of Registration form found at rockhurst.edu/registrar.

Change of Grade

Changes of original grades must be submitted by the instructor within six months of the assignment of the original grade and require the approval of the appropriate Dean.


Policy for Appeal/Review of the Final Grade


It is the student’s responsibility to meet the requirements established for each course taken at Rockhurst University. It is the course instructor’s responsibility to establish course requirements for grades as part of the course syllabus and to evaluate students according to the standards established.

Philosophy of the Grade Review Policy

Rockhurst is “a learning community” which “believes in the intrinsic value of the intellectual life and in the disinterested pursuit of truth.” At the beginning of any grade review procedure all of those involved should proceed with this principle in mind: the primary goal of all proceedings will be to clarify requirements, to affirm the application of consistent standards. An atmosphere of rational discourse must always prevail.

Basis for Review

For adequate cause, a student has the right to request review of an assigned final course grade. Bases on which the student may request review include the following: the student believes that:

  • The assigned final grade does not reflect the weighted values given to required work as indicated in the course syllabus; or/and
  • The final grade does not reflect the student’s level of fulfillment of course requirements and course policies as stated in the course syllabus (for example, class attendance, level of performance on tests, number and length of papers,
  • penalty for late work, etc.); or/and
  • The final grade is inconsistent with standards set for the course; or/and
  • The assigned final grade is based on arbitrary or nonacademic criteria.


The student requesting review must follow the procedure set out below. Failure to follow the procedure in the given order or to comply with the time limits identified in the procedure will result in denial of the review.

Informal Procedure for Review of the Assigned Final Grade*

Upon release of the final course grade, (for courses taken in the Spring and Summer semesters, no later than September 1, and for courses taken in the Fall semester, no later than February 1) the student requests a review of the assigned final grade from the assigning instructor or if the instructor is not available submits the request to the appropriate dean’s office. All written communication can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt). The student and the instructor may agree to meet to conduct part of the grade review. The student should make the appointment to meet with the instructor. The instructor will respond to the student in writing within 14 calendar days of receipt of the request for final grade review. All written communication can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt) using the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University.

*Note: The term “semester” is understood in a narrow sense, referring only to the first semester and the second semester of the regular academic year. The term “semester” does not refer to summer sessions or interterms. The intent is to provide a timeline allowing for possible faculty absence during the summer and during their interterm.

If within 14 days of the instructor’s response the student is not satisfied with the result, the student may request in writing to the department chair (for the St. Luke’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences) or the discipline coordinator (for the Helzberg School of Management) review of the final course grade. For the purpose of information, not re-grading, the student’s request should include supporting evidence, such as photocopies of graded papers, quizzes, tests, and other work performed in the course. The student should also note the steps taken so far to review the final grade. After (a) reviewing the case with the student and (b) reviewing the case with the assigning instructor, the department chair or discipline coordinator will respond to the student and the instructor of their opinion regarding the assigned final course grade and that the informal procedure is completed. Notification will occur in writing within 14 calendar days of receipt of the request for final grade review. All written communication can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt) using the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain an accurate up-to-date mailing address with the university.

Formal Procedure for Review of the Assigned Final Grade

If not satisfied with the result of the informal procedure, the student may request a formal review of the assigned final course grade.

  1. Within seven calendar days of the response of the department chair or discipline coordinator, the student presents in writing to the dean (or designee) of the college or school in which the course is offered, the request for formal review of the assigned final course grade, including reasons justifying the review, any supporting evidence, and a list of the steps taken to date to resolve the issue.
  2. Within 14 days of the student’s written request, the dean (or designee) will convene a panel consisting of a full-time faculty representative of the college or school and two full-time faculty members of the same department or academic discipline as the instructor, if department or discipline size permits. The dean (or designee) appoints a University representative to chair the panel. The dean (or designee) will inform the requesting student and the course instructor in writing the name of the panel appointees for approval or objection.
  3. The student and the course instructor may each object to up to two panel appointees. Any objection to a panel appointee must be lodged in writing with the dean’s office within seven calendar days of notice of the panel appointees. All communication can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt). Failure to lodge objection to a panel member will be considered as acceptance of the appointee as panel member. No other objections will be permitted by either the student or the course instructor. After exhaustion of objections, the dean (or designee) will appoint any vacancy on the panel.
  4. As soon as panel membership is set, the dean (or designee) turns over to the chair of the panel the student request and all supporting materials the student has provided. The instructor is invited to submit supporting materials related to the student’s performance and course grade for the panel.
  5. The chair of the panel does not vote on the recommendation except in the event that the two other faculty members, each of whom has one vote, are unable to reach agreement.
  6. The chair will schedule a date for the review and the panel should conclude its review within ten working days of its first meeting. The panel will examine the information provided and may hold a joint conference of the panel, the student, and the instructor. The chair of the panel has the responsibility to inform the panel members, the student, and the instructor of the date, time, and place of any joint conference.
  7. The panel is empowered either (a) to recommend that the instructor change the grade, (b) to recommend that the instructor reevaluate the grade according to criteria specified by the panel, or (c) to dismiss the request for review of final grade. The panel is not empowered to change the grade. The grade, which the course instructor assigned, cannot be changed by anyone but that instructor. The instructor will advise the registrar of a change in grade, if any. The panel will advise the student of a change in grade, if any.
  8. The panel submits its recommendation to the student, to the course instructor, to the department, chair or discipline coordinator, and to the appropriate academic dean (or designee)in writing. All written communication can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt). On request, each party will be apprised of the basis for the panel’s decision. The panel’s responsibility is thus concluded. No other review is available.
  9. The grade appeal will be considered confidential and only those involved in the grade appeal including its investigation and resolution will be provided information concerning the appeal.
  10. If the student chooses to make the panel’s recommendation a part of her/his permanent file, the student should instruct the dean (or designee) to convey the panel’s recommendation to the registrar and the panel’s recommendation will be transmitted by the registrar’s office to graduate schools, employers, and others to whom the student requests that a transcript be sent according to the policies of the University regarding release of transcriptions, and to the department, division, or program chair of the student’s major and the director of financial aid at Rockhurst.

Transcripts of Academic Records

The transcript of the permanent academic record reflects all credit work attempted at Rockhurst University and transfer credit which has been accepted to fulfill Rockhurst degree requirements. The student is the only person with the authority to request a transcript of their academic record. There is a fee for transcripts with an additional fee for same-day service. Rockhurst University has authorized National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide students with the ability to order transcripts online.

This online ordering service is available to current and former students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students are encouraged to use NSC to order transcripts as the request can be tracked and the service charge costs less. Current students can view their unofficial transcript from within the student portal.

Former students must order their transcript through NSC at www.studentclearinghouse.org. All transcripts ordered through NSC are processed through the Registrar’s Office. Students may also order their transcript in-person at the Registrar’s.

No official transcript can be issued to a student who is delinquent in financial or other obligations to the University. Currently enrolled students may view their unofficial Rockhurst transcript by selecting Rockweb through the Campus Portal.


Credit-Bearing Certificates of Graduate Study and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates

Post-Baccalaureate Certificates (PBC) are awarded for prescribed programs of study. Courses in the post-baccalaureate certificate programs include only upper-division undergraduate courses and may include some graduate course work (3000 to 8000-level courses).

Certificates of Graduate Study (COGS) are awarded for prescribed programs of study with all coursework taken at the graduate level (5000 to 8000-level courses).

Both certificate programs consist of a minimum 10 credit hours, although some certificate programs may require substantially more credit hours. Labs, practica, internships, and capstone experiences may be part of the certificate program.

Post-Baccalaureate Certificates or Certificates of Graduate Study may be associated with an existing degree program at Rockhurst University or they may be freestanding entities. They can be interdisciplinary programs of study or related to only one discipline. The following criteria apply to both types of certificates:

  • Each certificate program has its own admission criteria, but all require successful completion of a bachelor’s degree.
  • Those students already enrolled in a degree program who wish to earn a graduate certificate must apply through Admissions to be enrolled in the certificate program.
  • If a certificate program is associated with an existing degree program, the degree program has primary academic oversight responsibility for the certificate program.
  • For those certificates not associated with an existing degree program, primary certificate award oversight resides with a committee.
  • A 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) is required for retention in the certificate program, which must be completed within three years.
  • Up to 25 percent of the credit hours for the certificate may be transferred from another institution, given that the credit meets existing Rockhurst graduate credit transfer policy criteria.
  • Only 25 percent of the credit hours for either the post-baccalaureate certificate or certificate of graduate study may be taken prior to formal admission into the certificate program.
  • Both programs are credit-bearing programs and are noted on the student’s academic transcript.
  • Certificates will be presented to participants who complete the requirements for the post-baccalaureate certificate or certificate of graduate study and apply for the certificate award.
  • The University administration has the authority to establish different tuition rates for these programs.

Certificate Credit Hours 

Credit hours earned during the pursuit of a graduate certificate may be applied toward credit hours that are required to earn a graduate degree, provided both are completed within six years following registration in the certificate program.

Conversely, credit hours previously applied to a graduate program resulting in a degree are not eligible to fill the requirements of a graduate certificate.

Other Academic Policies

Policy on Web- or Distance-Based Course Credit hour requirements

Web- or Distance-based courses are courses where 25% or less of instructional time is spent in face-to-face interaction between instructors and students; the remainder of the instructional time provided occurs through distance education. These types of courses require a minimum 12.5 hours (750 minutes) per credit hour of active course time that may include writing, responding, discussion of student-written case studies and analysis, readings of instructor postings, lectures, assigned case studies, course-related videos, posted discussions, as well as review of articles.

Online Attendance Policy

Regular engagement with online course materials, peers, and faculty is essential to student success in an online course.  Federal regulations require instructors to confirm student attendance within the first week of the class along with regular attendance updates throughout the academic term.

Online students are expected to meet the same policies and procedures as those attending face-to-face courses. Participation, however, is defined differently for online courses than face-to-face courses. 

For the purposes of verifying student participation, faculty are required to have academic related activities for students to complete or participate in each week. The following items are considered examples of “academic related activities” for the purpose of this policy.

  • Participating in an assigned online activity
  • Attending a synchronous online class session meeting
  • Submitting a gradable assignment, prepared responses to an online assignment, including draft material
  • Taking an online exam/quiz, including a video quiz
  • Participating in an online class discussion forum
  • Completing activities related to interactive tutorials or to other computer-assisted instruction
  • Participating in an assigned online student group activity
  • Documentable discussion, interaction, and discourse between student and faculty member on the academic subject matter covered in the course

The following items are not considered as evidence for verifying participation:

  • A student’s login into a course’s learning management system as participation in that course as attendance
  • A student’s activity log of viewing course pages within the learning management system

Students’ absences from the online course must be reported by instructors according to the Rockhurst University roster check procedure during the first week of class. 

In an effort to support student success, instructors should also report lack of attendance or other academic activity to the dean and to the appropriate University contact for the Student Success Network as per the current “early alert” procedures, as set by the Associate Provost for Student Success.

In order to earn credit or be considered a student in an online course the student must contact the instructor at least one time during the first week of classes.  Contact is defined by the instructor, but it must require the student to engage in some activity other than simply logging in.  Online students are expected to meet the same attendance guidelines and procedures as regular courses. Participation, however, is defined differently for online courses than face-to-face courses.  Online courses at Rockhurst are designed to be interactive and collaborative. Guidelines and mechanisms for student activities, online discussion, postings, readings, etc. will be outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus.  Students are expected to participate in class at least once per week. Instructors of online classes must provide at least one engagement activity each week in order to verify attendance.  Failure to log in and participate as assigned may be deemed an absence for that week at the discretion of the instructor.

The online activity determines whether the student attended the class. The Canvas Learning Management platform does not have a built-in attendance tool. Therefore, faculty should use tools to assist them within the grade center, course reports, and/or using quizzes or exercises to record participation.

Students’ absences must be reported by instructors according to the Rockhurst University Attendance Policy below.

Attendance Policy for Graduate Students

Each instructor sets the attendance policy for their class and the possible consequences depending on the variables involved, taking into consideration the requirements of the course and the student’s specific circumstances. In any case, most graduate classes require learning supported by classroom participation.

No refunds are processed, either for withdrawal from a single class or for complete withdrawal from the University, unless the student has officially withdrawn from the class or from the University. All students must initiate class withdrawals through the online “Change of Registration” form found at www.rockhurst.edu/academics/registrar. Course refunds will be paid according to the refund schedule.

Information regarding students participating in “on location” activities can be found in the Rockhurst University Student Handbook and in the Rockhurst University Catalog in the “Undergraduate Attendance Policy” section.

On Location Policy

Rockhurst University also supports learning experiences afforded by involvement in co-curricular activities, such as student leadership conferences, athletics, theater competitions, etc. Often these co-curricular activities require students to represent Rockhurst University and to be “on location” somewhere off campus for both the participation in the event as well as travel to and from the location. The following guidelines refer to Rockhurst University’s expectations for both students and faculty regarding “on location” activities that result in student absences and missed class work. The “on location” policy only applies to those authorized co-curricular activities that have been approved by the respective Dean’s offices and verified to the faculty members impacted.

Student Expectations

A Rockhurst University student engaged regularly in approved co-curricular activities which will necessitate missing classes is expected to do the following:

  1. Inform each class instructor about class participation at the beginning of the academic semester, indicating which classes will be missed.
  2. Agree to an appropriate procedure for obtaining the missed class notes and other coursework.
  3. Recognize that authorized absences for co-curricular activities do still count towards the total absences allowed in a course, and absences allowed under the “excessive absence” policy (as noted in the Undergraduate Attendance Policy) are not considered “in addition” to those granted to students who participate in authorized activities (i.e., if a student knows that 4 classes will be missed for athletic events, this does not mean they are allowed a total of 10 absences in a 3 credit hour MWF class).
  4. Understand that absences are “authorized” only when they are documented by the appropriate dean’s office. The “on location” policy does not extend to include practice time, team meals, or departure preparations prior to the time a team, group, or student is expected to leave on a trip.

Faculty Expectations

Rockhurst University faculty are asked to respect the educational value that co-curricular activities add to a student’s education. Faculty are expected to:

  1. Refrain from academically penalizing a student whose absence has been authorized by the dean’s office.
  2. Work with students involved in official co-curricular activities to provide a mechanism for students to receive missed information or to participate in tests, assignments or other classroom work.
  3. In their academic advising role, become familiar with the information in the online resource “Academic Advising” located on the Rockhurst University website under academics/academic support. In particular, a section entitled “Advising the Student Athlete” is included for faculty information.
  4. Immediately notify their Dean’s office when a student is believed to be abusing the policy. 

Students and faculty are asked to communicate expectations and needs clearly so that the value of classroom education is not minimized and at the same time students are still afforded the opportunities of participation in co-curricular activities.

Academic Honesty Policy

I. Philosophical Statement:

Rockhurst University is a learning community. Consistent with the mission and purpose and the Judeo-Christian principles the University seeks to foster within its whole community, it is expected that academic honesty and integrity guide the actions of all its members. It is the responsibility of every person in the academic community – faculty members, students, and administrators – to ensure that academic dishonesty or misconduct is not tolerated.

II. Definition:

Academic honesty includes adherence to guidelines pertaining to integrity established for a given course as well as those established by the University for conducting academic, administrative, and research functions. All forms of academic dishonesty or misconduct are prohibited. The examples given are not intended to be all inclusive of the various kinds of academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or misappropriation which may occur. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Cheating

i.   Copying, or the offering, requesting, receiving or use of unauthorized assistance or information in examinations, textbooks, reports, computer programs, term papers, or other assignments.
ii.   Attempting to change answers after an exam has been submitted.

b. Plagiarism

i. The appropriation of ideas, language, or work of another without sufficient attribution or acknowledgment that the work is not one’s own.
ii. Violations include but are not limited to:

1. Submitting as one’s own work material copied from a published source.
2. Submitting as one’s own work someone else’s unpublished work.
3. Submitting as one’s own work a rewritten or paraphrased version of someone else’s work.
4. Allowing someone or paying someone to write a paper or other assignment to be submitted as one’s own.
5. Utilizing a purchased pre-written paper or other assignment.

c. Manipulation, alteration, or destruction of another student’s academic work or faculty material

d. The unauthorized removal, mutilation or deliberate concealment of library or other resource material or collections.

e. Unauthorized use of University facilities, equipment or other property, including computer accounts and files.

f. Any other act which might give one an unearned advantage in evaluation or performance.

All course materials from Rockhurst University are restricted to use in and by the university and are not to be shared or sold to any external sources. The posting of course material on social media or other internet arenas (unless approved by the instructor in writing) is prohibited. Materials include are but are not limited to all course content such as syllabi, handouts, rubrics, reviews, lecture notes, powerpoints, assessments, quizzes and tests, media recordings and other materials made available to students as part of the course or the participation in university programs. Rockhurst University reserves the right to impose penalties should any version of sharing or selling such materials occur.

III. Nurturing Academic Honesty:

Faculty members, administration, staff, and students are responsible for modeling and nurturing academic honesty. Faculty members, especially, should strive to nurture academic honesty by citing sources in lecture and class material thereby modeling for their students and advisees the type of precautions to be taken to ensure academic honesty. It is further expected that faculty will take reasonable actions toreduce opportunities for dishonesty through such practices as monitoring examinations or requiring sequences of an assignment to be submitted. It is further expected that each student will be informed of the definition of academic dishonesty and the processes the University will take in dealing with it.

IV. Academic Dishonesty: Procedure, Penalties, and Due Process

Level I – As much as possible, a member of the faculty, staff or administration (hereafter referred to as University representative) will deal individually with suspected violations of the Academic Dishonesty Policy. Level I constitutes the initial level of action, including resolution. The University representative who suspects that such a violation has occurred will confer with the student, present support, listen to and evaluate the student’s explanation, and then, if the student is found to have violated the Academic Honesty Policy, impose a penalty based upon the findings. Penalties relate to specific violations and may include, but are not limited to:

i. Warning the student
ii. Lowering the grade of the assignment or examination
iii. Requiring the student to repeat the assignment or examination
iv. Assignment of a failing grade for the semester.

The university representative will provide the student with a written Level I decision within three working days of conferring with the student. This decision can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt) using the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University. A student who wishes to appeal the Level I decision must indicate, in writing, her/his intent to appeal within three working days following the delivery of the Level I decision to the student. This intent to appeal must be received by the dean of the college in which the alleged offense took place within three working days. If the student chooses not to appeal, then the violation and penalty will be reported to the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs using the “Academic Honesty Policy Violation Report.”

Appeal Process for Level I Decisions:

The Academic Disciplinary Board:
For cases involving academic departments, the Academic Disciplinary Board will be composed of three individuals consisting of the department chair, a faculty member to be appointed by the dean of the college or school within which the student is enrolled or the violation arose, and either the division chair or academic dean, or his/her designee (who serves as chair). Should the department chair be the faculty member bringing the charge(s) the appropriate academic dean will appoint a faculty substitute.

For cases involving units other than academic departments (i.e. Library, Registrar’s Office, Computer Center, or other similar unit), the Academic Disciplinary Board will be composed of the director of that unit, a faculty member to be appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and an appropriate member of the administration (generally a dean) who serves as chair and is also appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The composition of the Academic Disciplinary Board will avoid a conflict of interest. This may result in the Vice President for Academic Affairs appointingother representatives in lieu of the aforementioned Board compositions. The Board may uphold, modify, or reverse Level I decisions.

In cases before it, the Academic Disciplinary Board will consider relevant supportive information presented by any side. Based on its evaluation of relevant supportive information before it, the Academic Disciplinary Board may impose any penalty thus far listed and, in addition, may recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs the suspension or dismissal of a student.

Procedures before the Academic Disciplinary Board Hearing

1. The Academic Disciplinary Board must be formed within three working days of the dean or VPAA receiving the student’s written intent to appeal the Level I decision.

2. Within three working days of the filing of the written intent to appeal the Level I decision, the student must deliver to the academic dean or VPAA all supportive information relevant to the appeal, including any request for hearing.

3. Within three working days of receipt of the student’s relevant supportive information, the Academic Disciplinary Board will notify the University representative. For cases involving academic departments, the Dean of the college or school in which the violation arose; for cases involving units other that academic departments, the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall notify the University representative for participation at this appeal and shall notify the Academic Disciplinary Board of the choice within three working days. Within three working days of notice of the University representative to the Academic Disciplinary Board, that University representative must deliver all relevant information in support of the Level I decision to the Academic Disciplinary Board, including any request for hearing.

4. The Academic Disciplinary Board may require a hearing and the decision to hear any case is in the discretion of the Academic Disciplinary Board.

5. At least five working days before the scheduled hearing, if any, the Chair of the Academic Disciplinary Board or his/her designee, will provide the student and the University representative written notice of:

a. The alleged violation(s) to be heard;
b. The time, date and place of the hearing;
c. A statement of the charge(s) and documents in support of and in opposition to the charge(s). In cases where there are multiple charges, the Academic Disciplinary Board may consolidate all charges into one hearing.

This notice can be delivered in person, via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt) using the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University.

6. The student may bring a faculty member of the University community with her/him as an advisor to any hearing and, if so, the student must notify the Academic Disciplinary Board of the name of the advisor within one working day of the hearing.The student, however, is expected to present her/his own case in his/her own words.

7. The Academic Disciplinary Board will be responsible for creating a record of the hearing, if a hearing should occur.

8. The decision of the Academic Disciplinary Board may be presented orally at the conclusion of the hearing, or in writing via email, or via the United States Postal Service (with a delivery receipt) using the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University, and to the University representative (using the same methods) within five working days of any hearing and if there is no hearing, within ten working days of timely receipt of all relevant supportive information from the student and University representative.

9. Materials related to disposition of the charge(s) of the Academic Honesty Policy, including a summary record of any appeal process and decision(s), will be maintained in the office of the academic dean of the college or school in which the student is enrolled.

10. If the student is cleared of any wrongdoing the incident is not reported to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

11. If the student is found to be in violation of the Academic Honesty Policy the findings of the Academic Disciplinary Board will be reported to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Grounds for Appeal

Below are listed the only bases upon which a student or University representative may appeal the decision of the Academic Disciplinary Board:

1. A procedural error occurred.
2. The decision of the Academic Disciplinary Board was arbitrary.
3. New and significant evidence was not available or could not have been obtained prior to the Academic Disciplinary Board’s ruling.

Appeal of the Decisions of the Academic Disciplinary Board

A student or the University representative may appeal the decision of the Academic Disciplinary Board by filing an “Intent to Appeal” with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs within one working day of the decision of the Academic Disciplinary Board and the Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify the other within three working days of the filing of the Intent to Appeal. On notice of the filing of the Intent to Appeal from the Vice President, the Academic Disciplinary Board will forward all information related to the case to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Absent extraordinary circumstances, neither the student nor University representative may present additional supportive information for consideration by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Any request to present additional information must be made to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within three working days of filing of the Intent to Appeal and the request must include a substantive description of the additional supportive information. The Vice President may request additional information or a meeting with any individual regarding the charge(s). In general, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will present his/her decision to the student and University representative within five working days of receipt of information or meeting with the student or University representative. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs may be presented orally or in writing addressed to the student at the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University and the University representative. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is final. Pending the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the student’s status as a student will remain unaltered except in cases where there are reasons relating to the emotional or physical welfare of the student or other members of the University community or for reasons involving the safety of property or the good of the University.

Level II – Centralized Reporting for Academic Honesty Policy Violations

Level I cases involving students found to be in violation of the academic honesty policy will be reported to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and reviewed on an ongoing basis. Upon the second reported violation for any one student, a formal review of those violations will occur. It is also possible for a first offense to be reviewed. This review will be conducted by members of the Dean’s council which has representation from each college or school.

Upon review of the reported violation(s), the Dean’s council may impose any of the following sanctions:

  1. Issue a letter of warning to the student
  2. Deem the student to be out of good standing in terms of the Academic Honesty Policy. To be out of good standing is a probationary status and may render the student ineligible for special privileges including divisional awards or scholarships, letters of recommendation, academic honors, etc.
  3. Suspension
  4. Dismissal

A student under Level II review will be notified by Rockhurst University email account and by mail addressed to the student’s last known local or permanent address on file with the University in order to schedule a meeting between a representative from the Dean’s Council and the student to discuss the reviewed violations and any sanction that might be imposed. The sanction(s) imposed will then be communicated to the student within three working days of the meeting addressed to the student’s last known local or permanent address on file.

This information will be maintained in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Access to this information for the purposes of the determination of awards, honors, letters of recommendation, etc. can be obtained using the FERPA release form available online or in the Registrar’s office.

After three semesters, if a student placed on academic integrity violation probation has no further reported violations, the student will no longer be on probation. However, the previous violations will not be expunged. If the student is later found in violation of the academic honesty policy, all offenses will be considered for the determination of a sanction.

For purposes of counting time, the day of the act will not be counted and the final day of the time period will be counted. Working day means any day the administration of the University is open and conducting business and is not as provided in the University’s Academic Calendar.

Enrollment Policies


Those students taking graduate courses for interest or the development of their own skills and not with the intension of seeking credit or a degree may enroll in courses for audit. Auditing students are not required to do course work or to take examinations but are expected to attend classes regularly. Course fees for credit and audit are the same. Students may not change from audit to credit status after registration. Students may change from credit to audit status. The procedures and deadlines for withdrawal from individual classes also pertain to changes to audit status in any class. Students wishing only to audit courses should follow the same application procedures as graduate non-degree seeking students. Participation is on a space available basis and shall only be allowed with permission of the program chair (from the department offering the course) and the appropriate dean. Generally, students entering Rockhurst as auditors only are not eligible for institutional financial aid.

Registration Procedures

Complete information about registration procedures can be found online at the Rockhurst University website: www.rockhurst.edu.

Registration and Graduation Holds

Students with financial, academic, or other obligations to the University will not be able to register for classes until arrangements have been made to fulfill those obligations. Students with academic or other obligations to the University will not be able to graduate until arrangements have been made to fulfill those obligations. Academic obligations include such things as transcripts the student has not provided to the University. For institutional accreditation reasons, the University is required to have on file official transcripts from all institutions of higher education a degree-seeking student has attended, whether or not the credit is applied to their Rockhurst degree program.

Changing Enrollment

Prior to the beginning of the semester, if a student who has registered decides not to attend they must contact the Office of the Registrar immediately in writing to withdraw. Written notification may include e-mail notification however, only through the Rockhurst student e-mail account. After classes have begun for the semester, the student will be responsible for all charges incurred prior to the date notification is given in writing to the Office of the Registrar or Office of Financial Aid (official notification date). Refunds of charges will be given according to the Tuition Refund Schedule using the official notification date. The Tuition Refund Schedule and the final date for withdrawal can be found on the Rockhurst website, www.Rockhurst.edu. In the case of total withdrawal from class, for the purposes of Title IV Aid, the date used will be the last date of attendance or the mid-term date. (See withdrawal and refund in the Financial Aid Section of this catalog). Failure to officially withdraw from class within the drop period will result in a failing grade.

Drop/Add Period

Students may add and drop courses any time between initial registration and the last day of the Drop/Add period. The Drop/Add period extends seven calendar days into the fall or spring semester, beginning with the first day of the term. In the case of a late add to a course, the student is responsible for all assignments made prior to adding the course. Returning students may use their Registration Pin to add or drop classes through their online portal on Rockweb. No additional signatures are required during the Drop/Add period. Incoming new students may obtain a Change of Registration Request form from the appropriate dean’s office or the Registrar’s Office and submit it to the Registrar’s Office by the Drop/Add deadline in order to add or drop a class. No additional signatures are required during the Drop/Add period. Only the student’s signature is required during this time. The dates for the Drop/Add period are published in the Registrar’s Office webpage. No credit will be allowed for a course in which the student is not appropriately registered.

Withdrawing From a Course After the Drop/Add Period

To withdraw from a course after the Drop/Add period, students must complete a Change of Registration form, found online at www.rockhurst.edu/academics/registrar. The  instructor must provide the student’s last date of attendance in the class. Whether or not the instructor and advisor recommend withdrawal, the student’s right to withdraw remains until the published deadline of the last date for withdrawal. See Academic Calendar. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the course withdrawal process. Once the student has completed the withdrawal process they can confirm the change has been made by accessing their account in Rockweb.

The student is responsible for all financial obligations to the University up to the time of notification in writing to the Office of Financial Aid or the Office of the Registrar of their intent to withdraw (official notification date). In no case will the student receive a refund of financial assistance.

Students need to be aware that withdrawal from coursework may affect their ability to meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. In order to maintain eligibility for financial assistance all students, both part-time or full-time, graduate or undergraduate, are required to earn at least 67% of the hours they attempt. Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress is outlined in the Financial Aid section of this catalog. Among other things, withdrawal from class could also affect athletic eligibility, graduation status, insurance eligibility and immigration status. Institutional financial assistance is available for a maximum of eight semesters, athletic scholarship for a maximum of 10 semesters. Failure to attend or officially withdraw from a class within the Withdrawal period will result in a failing grade. The final date for withdrawal is published in the Academic Calendar on the Rockhurst website, www.Rockhurst.edu.

Withdrawal Grade

Classes dropped during the official Drop/Add period are not reflected on the student’s permanent record. Withdrawal from classes after the Drop/Add period has expired are recorded on the student transcript with a grade notation of “W” (withdrawal) or “WF” (Withdrawal Failing). It is the student’s responsibility to process course withdrawals by submitting withdrawal documentation, with all required signatures, to the Registrar’s office.  The student’s failure to process course withdrawals correctly by the Withdrawal date deadline will result in a failing grade.

Complete Withdrawal 

A student who formally withdraws on or before the last date to withdraw in a given semester (75% point of the term) will be withdrawn from all courses, except those courses that have previously been completed or have a grade of “I” (Incomplete) in that same semester. The notification to formally withdraw includes the date the student provided written notification to the Registrar or the Financial Aid Office of their intent to withdraw.

During the standard fall and spring semesters, if a student ceases attendance in all of their enrolled classes without initiating the withdrawal process, the Student Success Network coordinator may direct that the student be notified via their Rockhurst email as well as by certified letter that their continued absence will result in administrative withdrawal action taken by the university registrar. [During the summer term, no administrative withdrawals are initiated, but students are responsible to withdraw if not attending their summer classes. Failure to withdraw will result in a failing grade.]

Failure to respond and resume class attendance within 7 days will result in a complete semester administrative withdrawal, with the date of withdrawal set as 7 days after the notification. (See withdrawal and refund in the Financial Aid Section of this catalog).

The student who fails to initiate their own withdrawal from the institution is still responsible for financial obligations to the University based on the University’s tuition and housing refund policies.

Students may initiate the formal withdrawal process by submitting the Change of Registration form up until the last day for withdrawals (75% point of the semester).

A student who totally withdraws from the university in any given semester may remain active for the upcoming semester and may register for classes for that next semester. Students who do not return for the subsequent semester after withdrawing will be inactivated and must complete readmission through the Admissions office to return to the university in a future semester. 

If a student has already registered for the next semester, but decides before the semester begins not to attend, the student must contact the Office of the Registrar immediately, in writing, to be removed from the future term classes. Written notification may be made only through the Change of Registration form or through the Rockhurst student e-mail account. After classes have begun for the semester, students are responsible for all charges incurred until the student notifies in writing the Office of the Registrar or Office of Financial Aid. Refunds of charges will be given according to the Tuition Refund Schedule.

Students whose account balances are unpaid after the semester begins are subject to be removed from all semester classes. See Tuition and Fees  for the Student Class Removal Policy.

Leave of Absence Policy

The Leave of Absence policy provides the option for a student to remain active in the university system and to maintain their place in their original catalog program, rather than completely withdrawing. Students requesting a Leave of Absence must be in good standing at the time of the request.

A Leave of Absence will not exceed two consecutive semesters, or one full year. A Military Leave of Absence will be granted until completion of service. Military students must register for the fall or spring semester immediately after completing service. 

To be considered for a Leave of Absence, the student must meet with their Program Director/Advisor to initiate the request - if approved, they must complete the Leave of Absence form and obtain the necessary signatures. The approved Leave of Absence form must be submitted to the Registrar’s office at registrar@rockhurst.edu for completion.

For Leave of Absence requests that occur during the middle of the semester, the request must be made in conjunction with a total withdrawal request, which is completed through the Change of Registration form at  www.rockhurst.edu/academics/registrar

NOTE: Class withdrawals/Leave of Absence requests may only be processed up to the withdrawal deadline date for the term.

Any LOA requests/class withdrawal requests submitted past the withdrawal deadline date will not be processed, unless accompanied with an appeal made to the Withdrawal Appeals Committee for consideration and approval (Chair: (Chair: Maureen.mckinnon@rockhurst.edu).

Withdrawal Appeals Committee

If a student fails to notify the Registrar or Financial Aid Offices of their intent to totally withdraw from a semester by the withdrawal deadline date due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, a total withdrawal appeal may be made to the Withdrawal Appeals Committee.

Appeals should be based on the need for a total semester withdrawal, not based on failing grades in individual classes.

The student will be expected to provide documentation of specific extenuating circumstances to the Committee. At this time the recommendation of the dean will also be considered. The decision, however, to accept or reject the appeal for total withdrawal will be at the discretion of the Committee. Appeals should be sent to the attention of maureen.mckinnon@rockhurst.edu who serves as the chair of the Committee.

The Withdrawal Appeals Committee also reviews student appeals and requests for exceptions to general university policies governing attendance, withdrawal, and refund issues. Requests to the Committee should be made only for extenuating circumstances, as recommended by another university office.

  • All appeals are to be submitted in writing with documentation regarding the special circumstances on which the appeal is based.
  • All appeals must be made within one calendar year of the original action in order to be considered by the Committee.
  • All appeals are to be directed to the attention of the Financial Aid Director (or designee) who serves as the chair of the Committee.

Activation of Reserve or National Guard Units

Those students who are unable to complete academic work during the academic term in which they are called to active duty as part of a Reserve or National Guard unit call-up have three options:

  1. The student may choose to totally withdraw from school and be given 100% refund of all academic tuition and fees as well as student activity fees which have  been assessed. The permanent record (transcript) will not reflect the withdrawal with a “W”. Students choosing this option will be granted a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress waiver for the term. In addition, an adjustment will be made on unused portions of room and board.
  2. The student, in collaboration with and approval of the instructor, may choose the use of the “I” grade (Incomplete) under appropriate circumstances. The amount of time allowed for the incomplete work will not include the active duty time spent. However, once the student has returned from active duty, the incomplete work must be completed within a reasonable period of time, which will be determined by the Office of the Provost. At that time the student may elect to withdraw from the class.
  3. The student may elect to complete the work in collaboration with and approval of the instructor on a shortened time frame prior to the active duty reporting date. This arrangement should be chosen only if the student is activated in the final quarter of the term.

In order to select one of the above options, the student must present or fax a copy of the military orders selecting them for active duty to the Registrar’s Office. For further information, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Administrative Policies

Records of Academic Permissions and Exceptions to Policy

Permissions, academic board decisions and other records of exception to policy are filed with the Registrar, who maintains these along with other student records.


It is the policy of Rockhurst University to provide reasonable accommodation for students defined as disabled in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable law. Students interested in need of accommodations must identify themselves to the Access Office and provide appropriate documentation of their disability. The Office then is able to facilitate reasonable accommodation for equal access to academic and other University-administered programs. The Access Office is located in Massman Hall, Room 7, (816) 501-4689.


Rockhurst University is committed to a comprehensive, ongoing assessment process. On occasion students will be expected to participate in aspects of this program so that the institution can document its strengths and identify opportunities for improvement. Student involvement is integral to the University’s success in this endeavor.

Change of Address

All students should notify the Office of the Registrar immediately of any change in their address. In addition, international students are required by Immigration officials to notify the International Student Officer of any change of address within 10 calendar days of that change. If the correct address is not on file, students may not receive information regarding their enrollment, financial aid, student account, graduation, and other important matters. The University assumes no responsibility for materials sent through the mail not received by the student. Currently-enrolled students may change their address on Rockweb in a secure environment directly through Rockhurst Campus Portal, or Rockweb with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) obtained from Computer Services.

Name of Record

Legal Name

Students are asked to provide their legal name of record prior to enrollment. After enrollment, students may initiate a legal name change through the  “official name change request form” on the Registrar’s web page at rockhurst.edu/academics/registrar/resources/forms.

The completion of a legal name change requires official documentation or court order to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the legal name change can be completed.

Instances in which legal name will be used include, but are not limited to:

  • Reporting to state or federal agencies
  • Transcripts
  • Diplomas (unless the student indicates a preferred name when completing the online Degree Application)
  • Payroll documents
  • Financial aid documents and processes
  • Enrollment and degree verification processes
  • Other records where the student’s legal name is required by law or University policy
  • Official lists of students made available to the public
  • Communications with the “Family of _______”

Preferred Name

Rockhurst University allows students to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first name that differs from their legal first name.

As long as the use of the preferred first name is not for an inappropriate purpose (explained in greater detail below), it will appear instead of the person’s legal name in university-related systems and documents where it is technically feasible, except where the use of the legal name is required by university business or legal need.

Students may request the use of their preferred name on rosters and university correspondence by using the  “preferred name change request form” on the Registrar’s web page at rockhurst.edu/registrar/resources/forms.

The University, as determined by the Registrar, reserves the right to deny or remove any preferred name, with or without notice, in cases of misuse, including but not limited to misrepresentation, attempts to avoid legal obligation, or the use of derogatory names.

Instances in which the preferred name may be used include, but are not limited to:

  • Class rosters
  • Residence hall rosters
  • University identification cards
  • Diplomas (as requested in the online Degree Application, located within the student portal)
  • Wherever it is not required for the legal name to be used

FERPA. Under the Family Rights and Privacy Act, a student’s name, including preferred name, may be disclosed to the public as “directory information” unless the student opts not to permit such disclosure. To revoke the disclosure of directory information, a student has the option of requesting privacy through the Office of the Registrar.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, is a federal law that regulates the maintenance and release of student records at educational institutions and related agencies. The purpose of the FERPA is to protect the privacy of student education records and affords students certain rights concerning their education records. At Rockhurst University a student’s FERPA rights begin on the first day of the first term the student is in attendance or registered. For the Dept. of Education FERPA statement see DEPT. of ED FERPA GUIDELINES .

The primary rights afforded to students include: (1) the right to inspect and review education records, (2) the right to request to have the education records amended, (3) the right to consent to or prohibit the disclosure of certain information retained by the University, and (4) the right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education if the student believes his or her FERPA rights have been violated.

Rockhurst University annually informs students of their FERPA rights through a variety of methods such as the University website, Student Handbook, and on campus at the Office of the Registrar. This policy statement sets forth the University’s procedures for maintaining the privacy of education records, responding to request for amendments, and disclosing student records in compliance with FERPA.

Education Records

FERPA regulations governing Rockhurst University apply to the education records of current or former students. Records of an individual who applied for admission to the Rockhurst University, but never attended, are not education records under FERPA.

Education records are any records maintained by the University which are directly related to the student. An education record may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: academic records, files, biographical data, course  information, grade reports, results of certain examinations, student papers, test scores, advisory information, letters of evaluation, transcripts, admissions information, financial aid information, billing information, disciplinary records, housing records, promissory notes and copies of correspondence. Education records may be maintained in any way, including handwritten notes, print, computer media, video or audio tape, film, microfilm and microfiche.

The following documents are not education records for purposes of FERPA and this policy:

  1. Records that are kept in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record;
  2. Employment records exclusively related to a student’s capacity as an employee of the University and not available for use for any other purpose, except where a currently enrolled student is employed as a result of his or her status as a student (e.g., workstudy, graduate assistantship or fellowship with the University);
  3. Records maintained by the Rockhurst University Safety and Security Department solely for law enforcement purposes;
  4. Medical and mental health records made, maintained or used by professionals in connection with the treatment of a student that are available only to persons providing treatment; and
  5. Records that only contain information about an individual after he or she is no longer a student at that agency or institution.

Student Access

Every Rockhurst University student has the right to inspect and review his or her own education record(s), subject to the University’s procedures on the time, place and supervision of the inspection. To request education records from Rockhurst University, a student must submit a written request to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Development or Office of the Registrar and identify the record(s) to be inspected.

Rockhurst University will respond to a student’s valid request to inspect his or her education records within 45 days of the date the University receives the request. If the records that the student requests to inspect and review may not be disclosed under FERPA, the University will provide the student with a written explanation.

If the records that the student requests to inspect and review are to be disclosed under FERPA, the University will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. At the time of inspection, the student must present identification and will generally be required to review the record in the presence of a University official. If the education records of a student contain information on more than one student, the student may inspect and review or be informed of only the specific information about that student.

A student’s right to inspect and review education records does not necessarily include a right to a copy of his or her education record. A student’s request for copies of education record(s) will be evaluated on a case by case basis and, if copies are permitted, the student may be charged for the actual cost of copying the record(s).

Confidential letters and statements (e.g., letters of recommendations) will be used only for the purpose for which they were specifically intended. In some instances, a student may waive his or her right of access to confidential letters and statements contained in his or her education records. A valid waiver must be in writing and signed by the student. The University does not require such waivers as a condition for admission or receipt of any service or benefit provided to students.

If a student chooses to waive his or her right of access to confidential letters or statements, the University will not permit the student to inspect and review such letters and statements. Instead, the student will be notified, upon request, of the names of all persons making such letters or statements. A student’s waiver may be revoked in writing at any time and the revocation will apply only to subsequent letters or statements.

Thirdparty Access to Education Records

Rockhurst University restricts thirdparty access to education records and will disclose personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records only with the written consent of the student, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. “Personally identifiable information” is information that is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school or its community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. Restrictions on third-party access do not include the release or return of personally identifiable information from an education record to the party who provided or created the record.

Unless disclosure is to the actual student, the student’s consent for disclosure to a third party must be written, signed and dated, and must specify the records to be disclosed, state the purpose of the disclosure, and identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. Student Authorization for Release of Information forms are available from the Office of the Registrar and online. Upon request, the University will provide the student with a copy of any education records disclosed.

With limited exceptions, the University will not disclose personally identifiable information from an education record unless that party to whom the information is to be disclosed agrees to not disclose the information to any other party without the student’s consent.

Disclosure without Student Consent

Records may be disclosed without the student’s consent in the following circumstances:

  1. Education records may be disclosed to a university official provided it’s determined that the official has a legitimate educational interest in the education record.

    For purposes of this exception, a University official is a person employed by Rockhurst University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position. A University official also includes members of the Board of Trustees, students serving on an official University committee (i.e. disciplinary or grievance committee), contractors, consultants, volunteers, and other outside parties to whom Rockhurst University has outsourced institutional services or functions that it would otherwise use employees to perform.

    A legitimate educational interest exists if the university official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the university.
  2. Education records may be disclosed to officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll or is enrolled;
  3. Education records may be disclosed to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the U.S., the Attorney General of the U.S., the U.S. Department of Education and State and Local educational authorities, but only in connection with the audit or evaluation of a Federal or State supported education program or in connection with the enforcement of or compliance with legal requirements relating to these programs;
  4. Education records may be disclosed in connection with a student’s application for or receipt of financial aid, but only to the extent necessary for such purposes as determining eligibility, amount, conditions and enforcement of terms or conditions of the financial aid;
  5. Education records may be disclosed to State and local officials to whom such information is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosure pursuant to State law;
  6. Education records may be disclosed to organizations conducting educational studies for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests; administering student aid programs; and improving instruction, provided the University enters into a written agreement with the organization that specifies the purpose, scope, and duration of the study and the information to be disclosed; requires the organization to destroy or return all personally identifiable information when it is no longer needed for the purpose of the study; states the time period during which the organization must either destroy or return the information to the University; and provides that the study must be conducted so as not to permit personal identification of students by third-parties;
  7. Education records may be disclosed to accrediting organizations for purposes necessary to carry out their accrediting functions;
  8. Education records may be disclosed to a parent of a student if the student is a dependent of the parent for income tax purposes;
  9. Education records may be disclosed in response to a judicial order or subpoena. When not prohibited by the court order or subpoena, the University will make reasonable efforts to notify the student before complying with the court order;
  10. Education records may be disclosed to a court in response to a legal action between the University and a parent or student;
  11. In a health or safety emergency, where there is an articulable and significant threat to a student or other individuals, education records may be disclosed to any person whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals, if the University records the threat that was the basis of the disclosure and the parties to whom the information was disclosed;
  12. Final results of disciplinary proceedings conducted by the University may be disclosed to the victim of an alleged crime of violence or a nonforcibile sexual offense;
  13. Education records may be disclosed in connection with certain University disciplinary proceedings;
  14. The University may disclose to a parent of a student under the age of 21 the student’s violation of any Federal, State or Local law or any rule or policy of the University governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the University determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession;
  15. Personally identifiable information that Rockhurst has classified as “Directory Information” (as detailed below) may be disclosed to the public unless a hold has been placed upon the release of the information by the student; and

16. Education records may be disclosed if received under a State community notification program about a student who is required to register as a sex offender in the State.

In all other instances, personally identifiable information in education records will not be disclosed without the prior consent of the student.

Directory Information

At the discretion of the University, information designated as “directory information” may be disclosed without prior consent of the student. Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Student’s name
  • Address
  • Telephone listing
  • Electronic mail address
  • Photograph
  • Date and place of birth
  • Major field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Grade level
  • Enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate; fulltime or parttime)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Degrees
  • Honors and awards received
  • Most recent educational agency or institution attended

FERPA permits the University to limit the disclosure of directory information to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both. In the exercise of that authority, the University may release all directory information to members of the University family, defined as administrators, faculty, employees and trustees. Other releases will be limited to those situations in which the University, in its discretion, believes the release would recognize a student for academic or extracurricular achievement or otherwise advance the student’s career interests or when the University believes the release would serve to advance the interests and image of the University. Examples of such releases would be the disclosure of directory  information to prospective employers, financial aid and scholarship agencies or registry, licensure or certification services. Another example would be the release of directory information in connection with University sanctioned alumni affairs.

The University will provide public notice of disclosure of directory information to students in attendance. The University may disclose directory information about former students without providing such notice.

Directory information may appear in public documents and may otherwise be disclosed without student consent unless the student places a hold on the release of such information. To opt out of the disclosure of directory information, a student must provide written notice to the Office of the Registrar. A student may not use his or her right to opt out of directory information disclosures to prevent Rockhurst from disclosing the student’s name, electronic identifier, or institutional e-mail address in a class in which the student is enrolled.

Upon receipt of notice to opt out, the student’s directory information will not be released without the student’s consent. Rockhurst University will honor all requests to withhold directory information and cannot assume any responsibility to contact a student for subsequent permission to release such information. Regardless of the effect on the student, nondisclosure will be enforced until the student rescinds the decision to opt out of directory information disclosures.

Information Disclosed for Timely Warnings of Crimes

In addition to the exceptions above, Rockhurst University may provide timely warnings of crimes that represent a threat to the safety of students or employees. FERPA does not preclude the institution’s compliance with the timely warning provision of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act—a federal law intended to provide students and their families with accurate, complete, and timely information about safety on campuses so that they can make informed decisions. Information can, in case of an emergency, be released without consent when needed to protect the health and safety of others. In addition, Rockhurst University can utilize information from the records of a campus law enforcement unit to issue a timely warning.

Recording Disclosures of Education Records

Rockhurst University will use reasonable methods to authenticate the identity of any party to whom the University discloses personally identifiable information from education records. All personnel of Rockhurst handling requests for disclosure or access to information contained in an education record will maintain a record for each request for and each disclosure of the student’s record, except recordkeeping of a request or disclosure is not required if the request was from or the disclosure was to:

  1. The student;
  2. A Rockhurst University official with a legitimate educational interest;
  3. A third-party with written consent from the student;
  4. A party seeking only directory information; or
  5. A party seeking or receiving the records as directed by a Federal grand jury or other law enforcement subpoena and the issuing court or other issuing agency has ordered that the existence or the contents of the subpoena or the information furnished in response to the subpoena not be disclosed.

The record of disclosure should be kept on the Report of Request For Disclosure of Education Records Form, which indicates the name of the party making the request and what records, if any, were received; the legitimate interest in the records; any additional party to whom the records may be redisclosed; and the legitimate interest the additional party had in requesting or obtaining the information. This form should be kept with the record(s) that are disclosed. The form may be inspected by the student and the University official who has custody of the education record disclosed. Forms are available in the University’s Office of the Registrar.

Amendments to Education Records

Any Rockhurst University student who believes that information contained in his or her education record is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy may request that the record be changed. To request a change to an education record, a student should submit a written request to the University official responsible for maintaining the record. The request should identify the education record to be amended and the specific inaccuracy or misleading statement contained in the record. The request will be sent to the responsible person at the origin of the record in question.

Within a reasonable period of time of the University’s receipt of the request, the University will decide whether to change the record in accordance with the request. If the University decides to refuse to change the record, the student will be notified of the refusal and will be advised of the right to a hearing regarding the request.

A student has thirty (30) days following the University’s decision to request a hearing to further challenge the content of an education record. The request for a hearing must be submitted in writing to the University Office of the Registrar. Within a reasonable time of receipt of the request, the student will be notified in writing, reasonably in advance, of the date, place and time of the hearing.

The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the following:

  1. A University official who does not have a direct interest in the outcome will conduct the hearing.
  2. The student will have a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised.
  3. The student may be assisted or represented by individuals of his or her choice, including an attorney, at his or her own expense.

Within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of the hearing, the University will notify the student in writing of its decision. The decision will be based solely upon evidence presented at the hearing and will include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision. If the University decides that the information in the student’s records is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other right of the student, the University will amend the record accordingly and inform the student of the amendment in writing.

If the University decides that the information in not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student, the University will inform the student of the right to include in his or her record a statement commenting on the information and/or explaining any reasons for disagreeing with the University’s decision. Any such statement will become a part of the information contained in the education record and will be disclosed whenever the contested portion of the record is disclosed.

Complaints of Alleged Violation of FERPA Rights

Students have the right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Rockhurst University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-4605

For More Information

If you have questions about FERPA, you may visit The U.S. Department of Education’s website at http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html or contact the Rockhurst University Provost or Registrar.

Rockhurst University’s Diversity Statement

Rockhurst University is committed to fostering a diverse community and to promoting greater awareness and sensitivity to issues of diversity. This effort is an important part of educating “men and women for and with others.” The University is committed to the goal of freedom from discrimination and harassment in all its endeavors.

Rockhurst’s Jesuit Mission and Values call for all members of the Rockhurst community to embrace a set of values which guide our behavior toward one another. These values affirm a commitment to providing personal care for every member of our community, and a sensitivity toward the dignity and sacredness of every person. They call on members of our community to demonstrate a realistic knowledge of the world, and to find God in all things and all people, particularly in the poor and oppressed.

Based on this mission and values, all members of the Rockhurst community are expected to demonstrate the highest standards in their interaction with people of all backgrounds. This requires a community that actively displays a sensitivity to differences of race, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, religion and disabilities among students, faculty, administrators and staff.

All members of the Rockhurst University community are expected to embrace these values and to foster an environment which contributes to the growth and development of each member of our community.

University Non-Discrimination Policy

For a complete review of the university’s non-discrimination policy, see University Non-Discrimination Policy .

University Communication with Students

Clear and timely communication allows students to receive information related to policies, programs, events, and other practical matters (i.e. billing, grades, etc.) affiliated with their education at Rockhurst. The University has established several key routes for communication with students including:

  • Rockhurst E-mail Account: All Rockhurst students receive a University e-mail account. All e-mail communication from the University is directed exclusively to the Rockhurst electronic mailbox system. Students are expected to access their e-mail account on a regular basis (daily is recommended) in order to stay abreast of important and time-sensitive information. University departments, faculty, and staff will routinely use e-mail to communicate important campus, academic, and extra-curricular/co-curricular information. It is the responsibility of each student to clean their e-mail boxes to allow capacity for incoming messages (i.e. empty deleted items, keep a limited number of sent items, etc.). For further information on your Rockhurst e-mail account, please see Computer Services (Conway Hall 413; x4357; www.rockhurst.edu).
  • Addresses and Phone Numbers: Students are required to maintain accurate local, billing, permanent, and emergency contact information so that attempts to communicate by the U.S. Postal System as well as phone will not be impeded. To make changes to your addresses or phone numbers of record, please visit the Rockhurst website (www.rockhurst.edu; Rockweb section under Registrar) or contact the University Registrar (Massman Hall 110).
  • Campus Mailboxes: Students who live in Rockhurst’s residence halls and Townhouse Village are assigned a campus mailbox located in Massman Hall where U.S. Postal Service mail and other University communications are delivered. For assignment inquiries please connect with Residence Life (Massman Hall 3) and for mailbox malfunctions please speak with the Mailroom staff (Massman Hall, Lower Level).

Students’ failure to set-up, maintain, or update any of the above communication devices will not excuse them from being responsible for information and deadlines enclosed within the attempted communications by the University. Rockhurst strongly encourages students to communicate with relevant University offices regarding information needs, questions, and concerns, and welcomes new and innovative ideas for enhancing communication with the student body as a whole.

General Policies

Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom and Dismissal of a Student Policy

Attendance to class is restricted to enrolled students only, either for credit or for audit. Non-enrolled individuals are not permitted into a class without the express permission or invitation of the instructor and department chair.

An instructor may require any person present in the classroom during instruction, or at any other academically-assigned activity for that class supervised by the instructor, to leave the classroom or other academically-assigned activity for that class or activity period if the person’s behavior or other activity, in the judgment of the instructor, is disruptive or obstructive of the academic process.  Appeal under this policy is to the Dean of the college or school in which the course is offered.

Whenever a student is dismissed from a class by the instructor, the faculty member should report that dismissal and the circumstances surrounding the dismissal to the appropriate academic Dean as soon as possible following the class period (not to exceed 24 hours) in which the incident occurred.

It is presumed that the dismissal from class applies only to that class period or class related activity in which the disruptive behavior occurs.  If the situation warrants permanent dismissal from the course may occur (see #5 below).  The faculty member and the student are encouraged to meet as soon as possible prior to the next scheduled class period to discuss the situation to insure that the academic process continue without further disruption.

If the faculty member and the student are unable to work out an arrangement that would allow the academic process to continue, the faculty member will inform the appropriate academic Dean. The Dean (or someone designated by the Dean) will consult with both the student and the faculty member and issue a report, which may include one or more of the following actions:

1.   Student may return to class without any additional conditions.

2.   Student may return to class under specified conditions.

3.   Faculty member may provide the student with the opportunity to make-up assignments, examinations and to cover material missed as a result of the dismissal.

4.   The Dean’s office may authorize an administrative withdrawal from the course.

5.   In the case of a forced administrative withdrawal, a disciplinary action may be initiated by the appropriate Academic Dean.

The Dean’s report should be made within 24 hours after meeting with the faculty member and the student.  If it is determined that a meeting is not possible and/or advisable then the report should be made within 24 hours following that determination.

Disruptive or Dangerous Conduct Policy

The University strives to balance the concerns for the health and safety of individual students with those of the larger campus community. When a student’s conduct is disruptive or dangerous to University operations and/or a student’s continued presence on campus or participation in an educational program/activity of the University presents a direct threat to the health, safety and well-being of the student and/or the Rockhurst community and its members, the University may intervene.  When warranted, the following conduct may result in evaluations, team assessments, interim measures, emergency removals, and/or voluntary or involuntary withdrawals:

  1. Causing physical harm to oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community, on or off University premises, at University-sponsored activities, or threatening such harm.
  2. Engaging, or threatening to engage, in behavior that poses an immediate danger to the life, health, welfare, safety or property of oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community.
  3. Engaging in behavior that disrupts or interferes with normal University operations or University-sponsored activities including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, University administration, security, fire, police or emergency services, or behavior that consumes an inordinate amount of Rockhurst employee time and/or resources.

When behavior indicates a significant health, safety or welfare concern, this concern should be reported by University employees or students to the Student Success Coach, Security, or the Dean of Students (and the Dean of the College if the concern occurs within the academic setting).  Means for communication will include an on-line report (under Disruptive and/or Dangerous Behavior) or contacting Security.  For all immediate and after-hours (i.e. after 4:30 p.m. weekdays, weekend days, and holidays) concerns, please call Security (816-401-4010).  Statements of concern regarding disruptive and/or dangerous behavior should be shared in a factual manner.  Rockhurst will employ a team approach to determine the nature of the risk and any measures that can be taken to manage the risk.  The University will make these determinations as the result of an individualized assessment. The University will first seek voluntary cooperation of an affected student, but, if necessary, will take involuntary action.

Individualized Assessment

The purpose of an assessment is to inform decisions about the student’s future participation in Rockhurst’s programs and to analyze the level of risk the student poses to the health, safety and well-being of oneself and/or the Rockhurst community. The University will make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge and the best available objective evidence to ascertain the following: the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices or procedures or, where applicable, the provision of auxiliary aids and services, may mitigate the risk.

When a student is referred to the Student Success Coach (or designee) for behavior listed in items 1-3, above, the student is required to meet with the Student Success Coach who also may include Counseling Center or other relevant administrative staff in the meeting.  The Student Success Coach or other University administrative staff may recommend that the student obtain a psychological evaluation with a licensed mental health professional through an approved agency, institution or practitioner external to the institution pending other action. Recommendations and approvals regarding the evaluation venue will be made on a case-by-case basis.

The Student Success Coach will convene a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) that will be composed of appropriate University officials. A student engaging in an evaluation will be required to sign a release of information authorizing the BIT to access evaluation results and to discuss these results with the health care professional conducting the evaluation as needed. The BIT will meet with the student and the student will have the opportunity to provide documents or other information related to the team’s assessment. If the student does not provide information or does not submit to a recommended evaluation, the BIT will proceed with the documents or information available. The BIT will consider what health, safety or welfare concerns the student’s behavior raises and whether the risks associated with those concerns can be managed by modifications, support measures, or accommodations. The BIT may require a Student Success Plan (an agreement between the University and student) that may include, but are not limited to, consultations and treatment with health care professionals, restrictions on participation in Rockhurst programs, etc.  The student will be required to sign a statement authorizing the University to monitor compliance the Student Success Plan and the conditions of the student’s continued participation in educational programs and activities of the University, including living in the residence halls and attending classes. If the BIT determines the student poses a risk to the life, health, welfare, safety or property of the student and/or any member of the University’s community and that the risk cannot be mitigated by modifications, support measures, or accommodations, the student may be required to take a medical leave or voluntary/involuntary withdrawal.


The Chief Inclusion Officer (or designee), upon written request from the student, will review any final decisions made by the BIT. The request should be made within five (5) days of being notified of the BIT’s decision.  The Chief Inclusion Officer will complete the review within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the student’s request, if practical. The student waives this right to appeal if the student agrees with the conditions of the behavioral contract and/or agrees to voluntarily withdraw for a period of time. The decision of the Chief Inclusion Officer is final.

Return Requirements

Following a determination that an individual poses a risk to the health, safety and well-being of oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community necessitating a medical leave or voluntary or involuntary withdrawal, the University may require as a precondition to a student’s return that the student provide documentation that the student has taken steps to mitigate the previous behavioral concerns and is safe and healthy enough to return to a full or modified curricular and/or co-curricular engagement. The University may request records from the student and permission to speak to a treating professional. The records and information that will be requested and required are determined on a case-by-case basis depending on what information is necessary to determine whether the student is able to return and fulfill the fundamental requirements of curricular and co-curricular life. 

Transcript Notation Policy for Serious Misconduct

If a student is found responsible through the University’s Code of Conduct process or Title IX process for Serious Misconduct which includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following crimes or violations:  murder; sex offenses (forcible or nonforcible); aggravated assault; manslaughter; weapons possession, hate crimes, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking incidents (“SERIOUS MISCONDUCT”), the Vice President of Student Development & Athletics / Dean of Students (“VP of Student Development”) will direct that a notation be placed on the student’s transcript. Transcript notations are applied at the conclusion of the Code of Conduct or Title IX proceedings and appeals processes.

  • This includes University process under the Sexual Harassment Policy and Non-Discrimination Policy.
  • This includes crimes/violations that meet the reporting requirements pursuant to the federal Clery Act established in 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)(1)(F), the Sexual Harassment Policy and/or the Student Code of Conduct).
  • Where the sanction is a suspension (for a specified period of time and/or specific conditions are imposed), the following notation will be listed: “SUSPENDED AFTER A FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR A CODE OF CONDUCT OR TITLE IX VIOLATION.”
  • Where the sanction is expulsion, the following notation will be listed: “EXPELLED AFTER A FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR A CODE OF CONDUCT OR TITLE IX VIOLATION.”
  • If a student respondent withdraws from the University, while University Code of Conduct or Title IX charges are pending for allegation(s) related to SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and the student agrees to complete the Code of Conduct or Title IX process or if the Title IX or Code of Conduct case will proceed without participation of the student respondent, then a HOLD will be placed on the student respondent’s account until the case is completed.
  •  If a student respondent withdraws from the University, while University Code of Conduct or Title IX charges are pending for allegation(s) related to SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and the student declines to complete the student Code of Conduct or Title IX process and the case cannot be completed, the VP of Student Development will direct that the following notation be placed on the student’s transcript: “WITHDREW WITH CODE OF CONDUCT OR TITLE IX CHARGES/COMPLAINT PENDING.”
  • Those students who withdraw from the University and decline to complete the student Code of Conduct or Title IX processes forfeit any right to resume these proceedings at any point in the future.
  • Code of Conduct or Title IX charges/complaints are considered “pending” once a student is informed in writing that there are allegations that the student may have violated the University’s Code of Conduct or Title IX.

Other information student policies may be found in the university student handbook at https://www.rockhurst.edu/campus-life/student-handbook.

Appeal Policy for Students

Rockhurst University supports an ‘open door’ policy which provides students the option to initiate appeals on a variety of standard university actions, including:

Complaint Policy for Students

For complaint issues which are not covered by any of the above-listed appeal processes, Rockhurst also maintains a policy by which Rockhurst students may formally submit a complaint that is academic in nature. To submit such a complaint, go to the university Complaint Reporting Form.

Students may complete an online form with the information related to the complaint.

The student complaint process is not designed to handle student appeals on standard university actions, including final grade appeals, withdrawal appeals, disciplinary or academic action appeals, student account financial appeals, and appeals on academic honesty policy violations. Those appeals will follow the procedures outlined in the above section of this catalog, under “Appeal Policy for Students”. 

The complaint information will be shared with the Provost, Associate Provost for Student Success, and the Director of Human Resources to determine the appropriate office to which the student complaint shall be directed.  The complaint will be forwarded to the department chair or program director unless it is determined the complaint is about faculty or staff conduct governed by the Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy or if the complaint may be a Title IX violation.  In those instances, the complaint will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator and/or remain with the Director of Human Resources for further action.

Information for all other complaints will be directed to the appropriate university office to help students navigate the process. The Provost, Associate Provost, and Director of Human Resources will meet monthly to ensure all reported issues have been resolved.

Reporting Process

For a nonfinal grade, course-related issue that does not involve discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, the goal is to resolve the perceived issue at the lowest level possible. The process for resolving a student complaint is:

  • Level 1: Student meets face-to-face with the course instructor to discuss the perceived problem or issue. If the student does not feel that the complaint has been satisfactorily resolved, they can refer it to the next level.
  • Level 2: The student brings their complaint to the department chair or program director (depending on the college’s structure).  At this level, the student must submit any additional information associated with the complaint in writing through the student’s Rockhurst email account. The department chair will attempt to resolve the complaint in a reasonable manner.
  • Level 3: The final level of appeal for a student complaint is at the dean’s level.  The associate dean will generally address the student’s complaint.  As in Level 2, the additional information for the complaint must be submitted in writing via the student’s Rockhurst email.
Special Circumstances

In cases where the student’s complaint focuses on an instructor who is also the department chair or program director, the student will be referred to the person at the next higher level in the college’s structure. For example, where the instructor is also the department chair or program director, the student will automatically be referred to the Associate Dean or Level 3.

Faculty and administrators will make every effort to ensure student complaints are handled in a timely manner.

Required Documentation

When a student’s complaint is moved to Level 2 or Level 3, the following information will be forwarded to the Associate Dean for recording in the Student Complaint Log:

  • Name and ID number of the student;
  • Detailed nature of the student’s complaint;
  • Instructor involved in the complaint;
  • Summary of how the complaint was resolved, including date and time of the meeting; parties involved in the meeting; the name of any witnesses, when required, at the meeting; any key outcomes from the complaint;
  • Any other comments deemed appropriate by the person who convened the meeting.
  • In addition to the University’s Student Complaint Log, records of student complaints will be maintained in the college’s dean’s office.